Need fish ID


Active Member
Well, my little Blenny finally posed for a picture. I bought him quite small as a Bicolor Blenny. Close examination shows that's not what he is. Any ideas?


it looks a lot like a bicolor blenny to me. what about it makes you say its not saying your wrong just would like to know cause im new.


Active Member
Hard to say from your pic. but could be Ecsenius namiyei, Black comb-tooth.
Indonesian adults bluish black with pale bluish grey tail. Blue scribbles and spots show intermittently when displaying. This is from FishBase.


Active Member
Ecsenius bicolors are more dark brown and orange, Theres 50 or more species in the genus. Many look a lot a like and also change color with age and temperment and health.


Active Member
I have one in my nano. when i bought it they told me a flame tail blenny. Jet black with yellow tail.I have a bi-color blenny in my main tank had its more purple and orange.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jsgreer1
im not seeing the difference in that and a bicolor blenny
Look closely at his tail. A bicolor Blenny has a seperate tail from his dorsal and pelvic fins. My specimen has one fin that wraps all the way around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I have one in my nano. when i bought it they told me a flame tail blenny. Jet black with yellow tail.I have a bi-color blenny in my main tank had its more purple and orange.
See, I have heard the term "Flame tail" Blenny too, but i can't find anything on them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
that is quite nice how long you had it?
About 7 months now. He's grown quite nicely. Acts a lot like a Bicolor blenny.


Sorry to steal your thread, but does anyone if a biclor blenny would be okay in a 24 gallon tank? I only have a mated pair of clowns, two shrimps, and some snails. I am conserned that maybe they only eat isopods/copepods and may starve in my tank? or do they eat other foods as well?


Active Member
I believe he'll starve in there. Consider instead a royal gramma basslet. Similar looking, nice personality, and easier food requirements.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uberlink
I believe he'll starve in there. Consider instead a royal gramma basslet. Similar looking, nice personality, and easier food requirements.
I would disagree!!!! I used to have a bi-color blenny. He'll eat all kinds of food that I offer. He just comes out and grab it real quick and go right back to his hiding hole. He was not picky at all!!! :happyfish


Active Member
I agree with Mike,
Because sac's tank is only 24g and already has an established pair of clowns the bi-color should be fine, as long as it eats introduced foods which it should.
A Gramma IMO would be a bad choice because of their territorial behavior, esp. with maited Clowns already established. Not much territory in a 24g for three territoral fish.
Journeyman, did you research the E. namiyei that I posted ?


Active Member
I stand corrected! And consider me thrilled for the correction, because I'd really like to get a bi-color blenny. My lfs here (the better one of the two) told me it wouldn't make it in my 28 gallon tank because they are algae eaters. After reading your posts, I may pick one up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uberlink
I stand corrected! And consider me thrilled for the correction, because I'd really like to get a bi-color blenny. My lfs here (the better one of the two) told me it wouldn't make it in my 28 gallon tank because they are algae eaters. After reading your posts, I may pick one up.
Your LFS probly knows your system better than I so do consider tankmates, lighting for algaes, established funa, ect. Bi-colors do have a rap for picking on more peacefull species like gobies. ect.


Active Member
No, they told me not to add it to a tank as small as mine. Period. They did not know what I have in there. I don't know why I listen to these guys.

Do you think I should avoid a bicolor? Currently, I have two false percs, a cleaner shrimp, ten blue leg hermits, ten astrea snails, a brittle star, an emerald crab, a toadstool leather, about a dozen colonies of zoanthids, a colt coral, and a few green ricordea polyps.
Anything in there that a bicolor would be likely to harm?


Active Member
Theres alway a possibililty that it could pic at a coral to scrape algae off. But doubt any damage. If its well fed I think it would be OK. Sounds like you have a nice little reef and a Bicolor would be a nice addition. They are comical and entertaining fish. But 'may' hide alot. If you decide to try one then look for a healthy one thats eats in the store befor getting it. Feed the mixed foods with marine algae in it.
BTW, not sure about your brittle or emerald, they may harm a small blenny depending on how agressive thay are.