Need Foxface help ASAP!


New Member
We're getting a delivery today from which is great. We've made tons of orders from them and I know how to acclimate them properly, although I would still consider myself a newbie. I was hoping hubby would be here today (since he has much more experience with saltwater fish than I do) but this morning he got called into work. We're getting a Foxface in the delivery, and I know that they are posionous. How careful do I need to be with handling them? Does anyone have any tips? And what do I do if something goes wrong and I do get poked by one of his spikes? Thanks so much! :help:

bang guy

If you get poked it is probably not a big deal unless you are allergic to the venom. Run the wound under hot water, as hot as you can stand.
They are fairly docile and you pretty much have to grab the fish to get injured. If you use plastoc containers instead of nets you're not likely to get stung.


Active Member
ya just lieke bang said, dont worry that much just dont touch the fish... use a net and you will be fine..


I agree with bang, use a plastic container and all should be fine. I used one for my foxface and had no problems. Good luck