Need help, dead powder brown...



Two days ago noticed a very little ick on my powder brown tang. Yesterday he looked fine was eatting good and eat this morning. I came home today and looked and did'nt notice him. After destroying my live rock I had stacked up to get him out he did'nt have any ick as I could see. He did have very red gills,and pale in his face. I put him in my other tank but dont think he is going to make it. I did a water change on the tank two days ago, all other fish look good. I did buy a anonme not sure what kind it is. Could this anonme killed the tang?
Water temp=74
KH= is 9 drops using api kit (like I said im new to all this)
Calcium=is about 540ppm ( im sure its to high I have'nt added anything for calcium in over two months)
Nitrate=0 to 5.0ppm


No, it was only on him for like two days and it was just a couple spots. We did add it about six months ago and not had a problem since till now.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say but I don't think it was the anemone. Could you post us some info about your system and what type of filtration do you run. Wondering about oxygen levels. How are the other fish doing? Are they moving slugish?


marineland 350, arena sump filter, 55 gal. aquatic system protien skimmer, power head. All the other fish seem do be doing fine, yellow tang, blue damsel, royal gramma, hawk fish, striped fang blenny, false perc. Swimming around fine.


Over a year and the ammonia is at zero. Just did a 20% water change, and changed the the filters, and added carbon in the rena filter.


Well-Known Member
Probably from the Ich, then. The parasite attacks the gills and could have cut off much of it's ability to recieve oxygen. Tangs need to be in water the is oxygen saturated. A protien skimmer will help with this as well as using powerheads in the tank to create surface aggitation or waves. This is all speculation ofcorse but that's what I'm leaning towards for what may have happened.


My guess is that the fish had an infection based on the red gills. The ich was just a symptom of him being stressed over being ill.
Tangs are notorious ich magnets and can flare at times of stress.


Well what should I do with my other fish? Should I treat the tank for ick? Could the other fish get the infection?


I would send Beth a pm, she is the fish guru. I'm only grasping at straws, she could probably offer you a better insight into what happened and how to make sure you don't have any more losses.
Originally Posted by raymondcookjr http:///forum/thread/384618/need-help-dead-powder-brown#post_3369943
read about carbon in saltwater tanks 2
Activated Carbon

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that the use of activated carbon in filters is a causation of HLLE in fish, particularly tangs. It is purported that HLLE can result when carbon particles leech into the aquaria, or the leaching of organics filtered by carbon, or by the removal of essential water elements by the carbon’s mechanical filtration component. Whatever is the cause, animals prone to HLLE kept in aquaria that relies on natural filters, such as sandbeds, live rock, refugium systems, macroalgae or mangrove tanks and good water movement throughout the system, usually remain healthy and free of HLLE.
That is not to say that hobbyist should throw out their canister filters. Rather, if HLLE erosion is an issue in your system, or if you plan to keep fish prone to HLLE, then use carbon sparingly rather than constantly. Use it for a few hours occasional to polish the water, not a constant exposure. Natural filters, regardless of disease considerations, is always a healthy choice for captive marine animals


Then why are u suppose to change the carbon filters every month?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///forum/thread/384618/need-help-dead-powder-brown#post_3369984
Then why are u suppose to change the carbon filters every month?
Because carbon has a limited work time. Eventually the carbon will become saturated with organics and bacterial colonization will lock up these organics. So eventually the carbon becomes un useful for what it is intended for. The time limit varies from system to system. Tanks with heavy bio loads and weak mechanical filtration will have to be replace more regularly then tanks with lower bio loads that run good mechanical filtration. The 30 day rule is just a general guideline as to play it safe and just replace it. But in some cases it could remain effective for longer.
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the correlations between carbon and HLLE. But there are different carbons on the market and some are better than others. Some are naturally activated and some are chemically activated. And to the best of my knowledge I haven't seen any definitive proof that one or the other promotes HLLE. All I'm saying is that I run naturally activated carbon and have seen no ill effects.
But this thread is about the O.P.'s dead fish and I don't wish to take this thread ofcorse anymore than we already have. I just say, do you own research and don't make all of your assumptions based on one single source. I'm sure even the original poster of the information that you shared here will agree.


Im new been doing it for a year any advise is greatfull to me. I do use api carbon but who nows what it could be. I did take the anonme out to the LFS not the store that I bought it at I did ask him to get me a bubble tip. I guess I have to figure out what to replace him with. I did pick me up a purple monoperl ( spelled wrong) lol will get a few pics later on. I will keep a eye on the other fish for a few days to see what happens. I promise everytime I say all my fish and tanks are doing good I put my foot in my mouth everytime, so I want never say everything is doing good lol.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///forum/thread/384618/need-help-dead-powder-brown#post_3370120
Im new been doing it for a year any advise is greatfull to me. I do use api carbon but who nows what it could be. I did take the anonme out to the LFS not the store that I bought it at I did ask him to get me a bubble tip. I guess I have to figure out what to replace him with. I did pick me up a purple monoperl ( spelled wrong) lol will get a few pics later on. I will keep a eye on the other fish for a few days to see what happens. I promise everytime I say all my fish and tanks are doing good I put my foot in my mouth everytime, so I want never say everything is doing good lol.

Just have to keep your eyes peeled now. Because, if there was indeed Ich on the tang then is in your system now.