need help for new fish again

my neon velvet damsel won't give a break, he'll start attacking once the fish is in the aquarium. A lionfish that'll eat the fish must be over a foot and due to the lionfish fin , it wont fit
A undulated trigger grows huge and I haven't see them in my whole life, but I have seen queen triggerfish in my beach and they are the most evil fish in the world


Well-Known Member
well if you were going to put a niger trigger that can reach 20'' in their then a undilated trigger only gets half the size of a niger. i just want to see some one with a undi!!! the queen is almost as bad as the undi it just gets over 24''.


Well-Known Member
thers two solutions here that i know of. you could get the undilated trigger and hope thing go well for a few years or you get rid of the damsel.


Well-Known Member
I don't hate them. I just don't think they belong in a community tank. You want to talk hatred, some people think they belong in a microwave tank.