need help identifying this


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmaster78 http:///forum/thread/385403/need-help-identifying-this#post_3381484
thanks its about 2 weeks old now since i've set it up, not sure what i'm going to add next...any ideas?
That explains why the diatom algae bloom. Have you been testing your water parameters? Because you probably are still in the middle of your cycle.
First add I would do is "TIME" to get your tank established, would also recommend removing the chromes till you are past the cycle. Then I would add your Clean Up Crew as previously mentioned. Then when all your levels are down at normal levels add fish slowly.
Thanks!....yeah got some hermits, snails and right now i have 2 green chromis. Looking to focus more on corals and whatnot but that won't happen until i get better lighting. Tank is 40 gal


Active Member
Sounds good as far as coral/lighting aspect, have you checked your water parameters to see where you are at?


Looks like bubble algae....DO NOT break the will can use a turkey baster to gently remove them, and/or emerald crabs are supposed to eat them
gonna pick up some emeralds and some peppermint shrimps just to protect against any apatasia developing.....oh yeah i'm sure the new bulbs do look good


go for it! natural way is always good! Since yours is hex and small size, get maybe 1 or 2 of each, you should be good to go with little amount.
so the emeralds that i got completely took care of everything in the tank...its looking good finally....however i was wondering what the hell this is in the picture i have like 4 or 5 growing out of the rock and have no clue what it is....was thinking maybe a bubble tip anemone but the tenticles seem too long...any suggestions


Active Member
My guess monjono.... probably spelled wrong... I have never seen one in person, just pix. Google it and see.:hi:


Active Member
Try majono
Like I said just an uneducated guess.... lol


Active Member
That almost looks like a palythoa coral --- what does it look like when its retracted???? Does it disapear into the rock or leave a little bud on rock.
It could be majano anemone - more pics would help.