Need help picking Light


I am upgrading my 29 Gallon reef to a 75 gallon. I am ready to upgrade the light on my 75 gallon tank. I currently have a 2 x 65w light on my 29 gallon tank. I currently have mushrooms, candy cane coral, pulsing xenia, star polyps. I was trying to decide between a 4 x 65w or Metal Halide 2x 250w. the 4x 65w is cheaper and looks good on my limited budget.
can anyone help?


The 4x65 may be cheaper, but you will be limited on what you can keep
have you priced the T5HO can keep almost anything with them too


Are the T5 the long bulbs like the standard flourescent? I am fairly new to saltwater and i am still learing what everything is. Any advice is needed. what lights would you suggest? Also what corals would i be able to have and not be able to have with the different lights?


YES T5 are long....You want T5HO (high output) They are much cheaper than Metal halides, and like I said you can keep anything...
with pc lights you would be limited to mushrooms, some zoas, oh there are more low light corals...just can't think of them right now...LOL
I'm not sure the length of a current usa T5HO....


Active Member
Hello, I have a 75 g, and I would recommend you look at the 48inch nova extreme T5HO 8x54 watt. You will be able to keep most corals.. and my tank doesnt get hot from them...Just my 2 cents...


Originally Posted by luvmyreef
Hello, I have a 75 g, and I would recommend you look at the 48inch nova extreme T5HO 8x54 watt. You will be able to keep most corals.. and my tank doesnt get hot from them...Just my 2 cents...

LOL...I would call that 3 cents cause you have one


Active Member
On this size tank the Nova's are hard to beat for both pricing and performance money wise........
I have the 6 bulb Nova Extreme PRO with reflectors on my 72...(same 48 inch configuration.)....Like someone said these will allow you to keep most anything you wish....


Active Member
Originally Posted by tjnitro
One more question. how often do you have to replace each type of bulb?
Well, on average...I believe that you need to replace the regular lights once a year, and the actinics every 18 months..atleast that is what I do. Ofcourse the occasional burn out...throws me off schedule.
no an 8 to 10 hour cycle, tutn actinics on 30 to 60 minutes before the full spectrum light come on, burn all for 7 to 9 hours then shut just the full spectrum off, 30 to 6o minues later turn off the actinics, moonlights only need to be on when the rest is off, I never shut mine off. Timeres are a true help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tjnitro
How many watts of each type would be needed?
Watts of one standard 48 inch T-5 is 55. Over-driven they can produce more......... But simple wattage is no longer considered to be the most important factor in picking a light.The old watts per gallon adage is not as important as a particular bulbs ability to penetrate the waters depth.....
Old PC's systems where 96 watts but not as good as what T-5's are for the same number of bulbs..... The PAR values ( total reflective capabilities) are now considered as more valuable in determining a lighting systems efficiency........
.For your 75 you are planing 6 reflectored T-5's would be plenty of light.....Four would be marginal, eight bulbs would be on the high end of what would be needed for a system of that size.