Need Help W/ Monti Cap


I got a Green Montipora Digi Cap about 3 weeks ago and just recently it's gone downhill. My params are good. All other corals are doing well, I have SPS, LPS, and softies.

nm reef

Active Member
Doesn't look bad at all....sometimes the lighter edges are a sign of new growth...or possibly changing coloration due to new conditions. I have a monti that came in as a sort of olive green and now its beginning to turn much lighter with a faint lime green edge.....even a bit whitish on the edge.:thinking:

bang guy

Is there any chance that the water current is bringing chemicals from the Yellow Leather directly to the Cap? If so, try changing the water flow to prevent that. Running carbon for a few days once a month also seems to help in a mixed reef.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Is there any chance that the water current is bringing chemicals from the Yellow Leather directly to the Cap? If so, try changing the water flow to prevent that. Running carbon for a few days once a month also seems to help in a mixed reef.

I was thinking the same thing when I saw that leather.


Active Member

Originally posted by coralcollector
That white big area is bleaching might want to snap that part off
something stressed it there.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think bleached parts are ok to keep, they will recover. It is when the coral gets RTN or STN that you need to frag the part off.

Originally posted by ViPeR_930
I'm not 100% sure, but I think bleached parts are ok to keep, they will recover. It is when the coral gets RTN or STN that you need to frag the part off.

Thats what im saying could be bleaching from RTN or stress maybe a sweeper got it from that bubble coral with RTN it is best to snap off to stop the spread Montis grow back real fast mine is over 12 in.:)


Active Member
But aren't bleaching and RTN totally different? Bleaching is when it expells its zooxanthelae, and RTN is rapid tissue necrosis. :notsure:


I'll try snapping off the white tomorrow. Whats the best way? Pliers? The flow goes the opposite way in that area so I don't think it would be the leather but I may move it also.
Just use your finger to snap it off its real fragile and you can do it easy it should stop the spread if it is anything bad,other than that it looks good and has nice growth going on:)


Active Member

Originally posted by GregM779
I'll try snapping off the white tomorrow. Whats the best way? Pliers? The flow goes the opposite way in that area so I don't think it would be the leather but I may move it also.

If it really is caused by RTN, tomorrow may be too late. RTN travels fast and can cover a whole colony in a few hours.


I got the bubbles when they were almost dead and are starting to fill in their skeleton again. They are too far away and higher than the monti to sting it. I have the Coralife fixture with 3 150w HQI 10k bulbs, 4 96w PC actinics and 4 1w moonlights. I love it so far doesn't affect temp or electric bill really and growth and color is awesome.