Need help with Condi


Most people will advise using metal halides or high output fluorescents. We only have a Coralife double strip lightfixture (240 total watts) and our white sebea anenomes are doing great. But regular bulbs just won't give anenomes what they need.


Originally Posted by fumanchu88
the bulb says corallife colormax and it is sitting about 4 inches atop the Condi

Also read that these bulbs are only good for freshwater plants.


Active Member
Rabbit72, Sebae anemones are among the most light demanding ones you can buy, they need metal halides and to be in the sand, if they are white they are bleached, they should be tan to brown.


Originally Posted by petjunkie
Rabbit72, Sebae anemones are among the most light demanding ones you can buy, they need metal halides and to be in the sand, if they are white they are bleached, they should be tan to brown.
Hi there, petjunkie!

Yep, we have been told that same thing here on the boards in the reef forums. Funny thing is, they are alive and thriving! Weird, isn't it? Our first one has been with us for 2 years now (knock on wood) and was once white, but now a nice tan to brown color with purple tips. I swear I do not lie! If I could just post the pic here I would, but I have no clue how to shrink it down to size! The second one we purchased was also white. But now, after a few months, it is turning tan. They are supposed very difficult to care for. Sometimes, you just get lucky. Did I mention, our clowners love them?


Originally Posted by fumanchu88
the ammonia level is at zero today but the nitrites and nitrates are still high do these kill the fish too?

Your nitrites are a problem and from what I understand, nitrates are eliminated with water changes.


And I am certainly not advising anyone to just use compact fluorescent lighting. We just got lucky. We also feel them nice chucks of krill. They like that better than brine shrimp. But once again, we are lucky.


Active Member
Do you really have 3 clowns, a hippo tang, a cleaner, and a condi in a 39 gallon? Tang Police?? I am suprised nobody has said anything about that yet? They are normally all over people for keeping a tang in anything less than a 150 LOL!!! Good luck, read, read, and read again so you dont kill everything in your tank because that is worse than just waiting the few weeks for your tank to cycle...