Need help with new reef setup...


New Member
Ok, I have two new 300 gallon setups. I want to do a reef in one and aggressive in the other. I have been reading a lot about the compatibility of fish and my main concern is multiple Angels, now if I have a 300 gallon for them will I still be able to get multiple Angels? Also I have read about not being able to mix hard and soft coral, so any info on that is good too (and any info on just how much coral I can fit in the tank would help). Well, I came up with a list of my favorite fish, inverts, and coral for the reef tank and I would appreciate everyone's opinion on what would be able to fit in the new tank. I have about 400 lbs. of live rock and live sand in my tank, so there is plenty of room for everything that will go in there. Now obviously I don't want to overcrowd anything, but I would like to put as many things in my tank as possible, so any help would be great. And I do apologize for the list being so long, but if you all could take the time to read it, it would be a tremendous help.


New Member
Coral -
Blue Palm
Green Closed Brain
Green Goblet Brain
Orange Carnation
Orange Hammer
Hard Tube Coco Worm
Devils Hand Leather
Finger Leather
Blue Mushroom
Blue Stripe Mushroom
Neon Green Mushroom
Ricordia Yuma Purple
Green Ricordia
Orange Ricordia
Green Plate
Neon Green Plate
Green Eye Zoos
Green/Blue Zoos
Red Zoos
Super Green Zoos
Super Orange Zoos
Inverts -
Heteractis Magnifica Anemone
Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
Blueleg Hermit Crabs
Hawaiian Zebra Hermit Crabs
Scarlet Hermit Crabs
Boxing Crab
Cleaner Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Randalli Pistol Shrimp
Mexican Turbo Snail
Nassarius Snail
Orange Lankia Star
Blue Lankia Star
Red Serpent Star
Fish -
Coral Beauty Angel
Flame Angel
Flameback Angel
Pink Square Anthias
Royal Gramma
Midas Blenny
Wild Clarkii Clown
Percula Clown
Blue Reef Chromis
Mandarin Dragonet
Green Mandarin Dragonet
Barbershop Shrimpgoby
Pinnatus Batfish
Flashlight Fish
Blue Hippo Tang
Red Sea Twin Spot Wrasse


New Member
Also, if anyone recommends just getting one or if they work together better in multiples, it would be great to know how many of each fish, invert, or coral to get. Thanks.


Active Member
Any angel is a risk with corals..and I would'nt want to have to try to catch an angel in a 300 gal reeftank because he's ripping up my favorite coral.

Batfish get huge{18"}are not reef safe ,are susceptible to ich,and it's very difficult to get them to eat in captivity.They are for experienced hobbyists.They also do not keep their attractive juvenile colors,turning a darker color as an adult.
Some of the animals on your list are going to be difficult to keep...and should not be added until your tank is well established...such as the Linckias and Mandarins.
The twin spot wrasse is also not reef it will make short work of most of the inverts on your list.
As far as corals go,you will have plenty of room for various corals...resist the urge to pack them in.
Anemones are another invert which you should consider wisely before you add.
they should never go into a newly set up tank.They can move and sting corals.And several types should never be mixed in one system,as they will do battle...even from a distance.
Finally the flashlight fish may also need to be needs to be in a low light tank,with many hiding places...and extremely mellow fish.Another fish for experienced keepers only...most I have seen refuse to eat.


New Member
Thanks a lot promise. The info helps a lot. Is there anything else on the list that would be able to be put in groups besides the clown fish? And if I did put an Angel in there would I only be able to put one, even though I have ample room?


i would also reccomend stayin away from the dragonetts and teh batfish. Also the Flamebacks are kinda hard to come by. I just bought one from my lfs and this was the first time they had gotten one in in 6 months. I think the angels will be okay together in a tank that large, but remember that they may or may not be reef safe, some are some arent. I would lean towards more cleaner shrimp then a coral banded, becuase they can get aggressive some times and may eat some things. Also IMO peppermint shrimp are lazy ass things that just sit there and do nothing, but that is just in my expierience. Everything else looks good though


New Member
Thanks mdog. If I were to put all three Angels in there, should I put them all in at the same time or should I put them in at different times? Also is there anything else I should consider as far as when to add the fish to the tank?


Dont mix the clowns they will kill each other. I also wanted the pinnatus batfish but they will die, also the blue palm coral will die. Carnations are hard to keep ( I've heard ) and the linkia stars are very hard to keep, most die. Some people have been lucky at mixing angels but maybe only a couple species at best. They may nip at your corals or clams which is really not nice if you plan on keeping them. Multiple tangs are a better choice especially since you have 300 gallons-so lucky. Anemones will move at will so I personally dont have them. Also dont be tempted to get those awesome electric scallops or furry red scallops they go deep into the rocks and die you never get to see them anyways. Oh and
(you need to read like crazy about all this stuff!! ) Good Luck and Welcome to the hobby!! Carrie


New Member
Thanks a bunch Sweet. So from the info I have gathered I am thinking no on the batfish, flashlight, and wrasse. Also getting maybe brittle stars or some more serpents instead. You think I would be able to get away with 4 Percula Clowns instead? One last thing, would the whole list of coral fit into my 300 gallon (I don't want to overcrowd and I don't know exactly how big the coral will get)?