New Member
Ok, I have two new 300 gallon setups. I want to do a reef in one and aggressive in the other. I have been reading a lot about the compatibility of fish and my main concern is multiple Angels, now if I have a 300 gallon for them will I still be able to get multiple Angels? Also I have read about not being able to mix hard and soft coral, so any info on that is good too (and any info on just how much coral I can fit in the tank would help). Well, I came up with a list of my favorite fish, inverts, and coral for the reef tank and I would appreciate everyone's opinion on what would be able to fit in the new tank. I have about 400 lbs. of live rock and live sand in my tank, so there is plenty of room for everything that will go in there. Now obviously I don't want to overcrowd anything, but I would like to put as many things in my tank as possible, so any help would be great. And I do apologize for the list being so long, but if you all could take the time to read it, it would be a tremendous help.