Need Ideas for Laptop Input devices

bang guy

Hey all,
I want to get my dad a a mouse or something similar for his laptop. Any ideas?
He really enjoys PartyPoker and the little touchpad is a bit clumbsy for him to use.

nemo lover

Hey Bang just curious-Is this like a game on a computer or the little hand held one you can carry around?
Is it for fathers day?
I know small buttons are a p.i.t.a.
My Grandma had similar problems with the remote for her TV. My dad found a giant controller with huge numbers, and bought it for her. She loves it.


Active Member
I have a wireless mouse that is great. I sit in my recliner and just use it on the arm. Much more natural arm position than using the touch pad. My touch pad only has about 5 minutes of use and I turned if off.


I hate the touch pad on my laptop. I use a track ball mouse. MUCH better and it's ergonomic so it's easier on the hand. It's made by Microsoft.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
That's what I'm looking for. Any particular model?
I'm guessing you were talking to me. I have the Logitech one. I don't remember the model and I don't have it with now as my laptop is in for warranty work. It has the infra red tracker instead of a ball. It works great. Logitech is the experts when it comes to mice.

pyro f/x

New Member
I use a logitech trackman wheel Part Number 904353-0403 they also make a wireless version. Works great if your laptop spends a lot of time on your "lap". If not then a regular mouse should work just fine.


Make sure to get an optical mouse and not the old ball type ones. Huge difference and much easier to use. It's alot more sensitive and you don't need a mouse pad.


any microsoft mouse is a good product ... funny eh?
i like the track balls .. but yea optical


Active Member
i have a wireless optical mouse for my laptop, just go over to BEST BUY, or COMPUSA and see what style suits you best all the brands are good but IMO logitech is the best....thats what i have

bang guy

Thank you for all of the ideas!
I found this: "Targus Wireless Keypad and Mini Optical Mouse"
Any feedback? Does Logitech make something similar with a mouse & numeric keypad? The keypad is really nice for placing bets.

bang guy

Originally Posted by nemo lover
yeah logitech does make them:
Logitech V250 Cordless Mouse, and Number Pad its like 79.99 for both.
Excellent! I'm on a quest.

nemo lover

no prob! At first I didn't know exactly what you were looking for.. For some reason I kept picturing the hand held poker/travel games...duh what a blonde.
We just got a similar one for our pc. The computer guy at his work sold him a newly used one for five bucks. what a deal!