I'm starting my stocking list for my cycling 150:
Any thoughts/suggestions welcome as I'm still researching and modifying. Any suggestions on adding order would be great as well.:
5 blue/green crhomis
2 bangaii (male and female)
yellow watchman/pistol shrimp
heniochus (more than 1?)
flame hawkfish
solar fairy wrass
citron clown goby
raccoon butterfly or a naso tang
maculosus OR a passer
I already have two ocellaris (in a smaller, existing tank)
Any thoughts/suggestions welcome as I'm still researching and modifying. Any suggestions on adding order would be great as well.:
5 blue/green crhomis
2 bangaii (male and female)
yellow watchman/pistol shrimp
heniochus (more than 1?)
flame hawkfish
solar fairy wrass
citron clown goby
raccoon butterfly or a naso tang
maculosus OR a passer
I already have two ocellaris (in a smaller, existing tank)