Need red or yellow reef safe fish


My 180g reef looks a bit emtpy. I have a sailfin tang, blue hippo tang, lawnmower blenny, bicolor blenny and a small percula clown that is sick right now. I took the larger clown out becuase it was picking on the other one. Now I'm thinking about what to add next. If this clown doesn't make it, then I'll go with a maroon clown. What about a yellow fish? I don't want a yellow tang because I already have two other tangs. I need some suggestions about colorful fish that is reef safe. Oh yeah, no dwarf angels. I don't want to risk it with my polyps. Thanks.


If you get fire fish, make sure they are from the same tank in the store and are not fighting there. If you get 2 from 2 diffrent taks, you take a chance on WAR....................


Active Member
I realize you don't want a yellow tang. I have a coral beauty and it is a beauty. Doesn't mess with my polyps at the tang is a different story. It has eaten almost all my yellow star polyps.:(


Red Fairy Wrasse. It swims in and out of the rock constantly and the other fish are amused with it so they follow it around too. It added a lot of life to my tank and drew a few of the shy fish out into the open. It's been a great addition.


Thanks for the replies. I will have to say no to hawkfish because I've read that they will sometimes and will eat shrimps. I've consider dwarf angels like the coral beauty, but I don't want to tear up the whole tank to get it out if it did start to eat my polyps. The fairy wrasse was something I didn't think of though. I'll look into that. I did look into having a school of the firefish. Thanks for the info on getting them from the same tank.


I just purchased 3 firefish. They are really pretty but stay hidden all the time. Wish I had reconsidered...
How about a royal gramma? Mine stays visable most of the time and is bright yellow and purple. Reef safe too. Good luck! :D


the firefish sometimes do that at first. Mine hid for 5 days but now it comes out. It oonly darts when my tang passes by. I dont know why my tang has never attacked him or any of my other fish. Oh and if you want yellow in your tank you can try a yellow coris there are a type of wrasse. They might eat snails i am not sure.


Do the yellow coris wrasses get as large as the red coris wrasses? I saw one at a lfs last weekend and it was HUGE! Beautiful but HUGE! It was in a 50 gal tank and I would say needs at least a 125 gal. Just curious...I haven't read much on the yellow ones.:)

Originally posted by Gemini
I just purchased 3 firefish. They are really pretty but stay hidden all the time. Wish I had reconsidered...

I purchased two firefish and it took a few weeks before they came out when we were home.
What other fish do you have in your tank. I have had problems before with all my fish hiding because I had a wrasse. When I got rid of the wrasse all the fish came out more.
Y2SAYS: Not sure if a wrasse is a good idea. I had one and it tore apart my feather duster, scared my fish into hiding, and started at my corals.


I have a royal gramma and 2 oscillaris clowns along with the 3 firefish. The firefish have only been in the tank for about a week and a half now. The gramma and clowns have been there for almost a year now. It's a 37 gal eclipse system.


I am not sure about how big they get. I have only had mine for a couple of weeks. It does sometimes clean my tang. But the guy at my lfs said he has only seen a couple that will clean other fish. What are you using to take care of algae if your using snails then dont but a yellow coris.


Hehe I read your post about wanting a yellow fish and saw all kinds of suggestions for ones that werent yellow.
Anyways no one mentioned a foxface rabbit fish. They are hardy and yelloy. Nice fish. One better would be a magnificant rabbitfish but they are more expensive and not as yellow.


well, at least our suggestions were partly yellow:D (yellow coris wrass and royal gramma, which is half yellow)..kind of got off on a tangent about the firefish though...


One thing about the firefish is that the seem to be sitting at the same spot. They really don't move around much. Looks good though. What about anthias? Just too bad about the dwarf angels because I keep going back to the flame and coral beauty.:(


I have a Red Coris Wrasse (Juv.) in my reef tank. One place tells me there reef safe and an another tells me there not. So which is it and why? Oherwise he is a colorful cool fish!