need some help!!!

reef champ

Hey everyone, I have a couple questions...
So far I've checked out most of the helpful threads for beginners. I have a 29g tank which will be a reef. In it I have a hang on filter and a heater (power head is coming in the mail). I have decided not to use any substrate. I mixed in the salt last night and the specific gravity tonight is 1.024 and the temperature is at 79ºF. So tonight I added a single raw shrimp to start the cycle. I currently have test kits for Nitrite, pH, and Alkalinity.
My questions so far are:
1. Am I missing anything for the cycle to be activated?
2. Should I purchase test kits for ammonia and nitrate as well or will a test kit for nitrite be sufficient?
3. When is the best time to add live rock to the system?


You definitely need the test kits for ammonia nitrites and nitrates.....also I would add the live rock now....this way it all cycles together


Yes definitely add live rock asap, that is where much of your bacteria will colonize. Also, if the live rock isn't cycled it will go through a die off and that will be plenty of ammonia to get the cycle going.


Yes, accept if you add cycled live rock later with corals on it or zoanthids or something, pretty much add it all at once it will take a few weeks to cycle before you can add critters.


Okay, when you get your new live rock put it in your tank it will have to cycle and cure it will take about 3 the 4 weeks for this to happen you do not need to put shrimp in the live rock will start the cycle for you you may whant to look in to Microbe-lift special blend i use the stuff its great it helps the speed up and has a lot of stuff your live rock and saltwater tank can use when you get your live rock in do not put fish, or other live in the tank if you do they may die test your water do water changes every 3 day do a low saltwater dip when you first get your live rock there could be bad things in the live rock here is a site you may what to look at
This is a nice place to look for hitchhikers that come in live rock so you know what they look like good luck and have fun you need more help just ask

reef champ

Thanks everyone, I'm about to order 40 pounds of live rock. I know I can't add any fish or critters until the tank cycles. From what I've researched it seems like live rock can be cured in a new tank and from what all of you are saying this is what raises ammonia + nitrite and will cycle the tank. I'll worry more about the unwanted critters once I start to see them.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Reef Champ
Thanks everyone, I'm about to order 40 pounds of live rock. I know I can't add any fish or critters until the tank cycles. From what I've researched it seems like live rock can be cured in a new tank and from what all of you are saying this is what raises ammonia + nitrite and will cycle the tank. I'll worry more about the unwanted critters once I start to see them.

Ah yes, that's the thing about live rock..keep in mind that sometimes you can get cool critters too.


thats a Brittle Sea Star cool it was in the live rock
free well i paid for it when i bought my live rock!!!! LoL but it was free. But there is bad things that come with live rock to so look out!!