Need some ideas..


My female Ocellaris clown has become a menace! First she killed her mate for no reason, then declared war on my beautiful frogspawn. Well, that's dead now. She seems to now have my show sized trachyphyllia in her sights as her next victim. I know the trachyphyllia can't handle her, especially since my black combtooth blenny already uses it as his personal pillow periodically throughout the day. Catching her really isn't an option. I don't have a tank for her to go in and I'm not tearing down my reef for one little fish. Thus far my method for keeping her out of the trachyphyllia has been smacking the glass when she goes near it (genius, I know!). Well, I can't keep doing that!
I'm thinking about giving her an anemone, since I know she'll take to it, she has had one in the past. I really didn't want an anemone in this tank though.
Any other thoughts besides harpooning her? LOL


Yup. The only ones I'd catch in a trap would be my Naso tang or my Cleaner Wrasse, they won't let anyone else in them. She's making me sooooo mad


Active Member
what i have done once was get a big net and bend the handle so it is in the tank.leave it there .feed the tank around it untill the fish feel its part of the aquascape,putting food in it daily.then one day when its in the net scoop took me a week to get it but it worked.other than that i dunno.


Well she's found an interest in my Duncan colony so I'm on my way to the LFS as soon as it opens and I'm getting her an anemone. Even if I did catch her, I have nowhere for her to go, and she was my first fish so I can't just get rid of her. She had an anemone for years in a different tank and I took it away when she killed her mate and I was mad and dumped her in this tank. She's decided to show me who in fact has the upper hand. You win this round Momma Clownfish, just stop killing me corals!


Mrs. Clownfish is now the proud owner of a Sebea Anemone. Let's hope it stays that way and she doesn't decide to also own my hammer and Duncan as she was doing this morning.