need something red

john harlan

a Spanish hog a blue jaw trigger and a pink tail trigger a dog face puffer and 3 tangs a purple clown and orange shoulder i know it sounds crowded but i am about to get a bigger tank

john harlan

yeah i was thinking about them but didn't think they would make it all of the fish range in size from 3-7 in the spanish hog is the biggest one in the tank

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
or a red spotted sand perch
good suggestions meowzer but don't you think a GREAT suggestion would be, he should hold off on any new additions until he sets up his bigger tank that he is about to get? for a 100g tank you are maxed out, if your gonna set up a new tank soon why not wait? you already have a nice collection of fish. what size are you upgrading to?


Originally Posted by Salt Life
good suggestions meowzer but don't you think a GREAT suggestion would be, he should hold off on any new additions until he sets up his bigger tank that he is about to get? for a 100g tank you are maxed out, if your gonna set up a new tank soon why not wait? you already have a nice collection of fish. what size are you upgrading to?
YES, Salt I do agree with that,
the flame and the red spotted sand perch are small...BUT maybe you should wait until you get your other tank...those other fish are kinda big

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by john harlan
thanks for the pics meowzer and i am going to upgrade to a three hundred gallon
ohhh very nice, I would maybe go with a bigger type of red fish, one of the smallers ones might get lost in a 300g... maybe someone else wants to chime in but with what you have now, when full grown might fill out a 300g nicely so I would pick something that you won't have to get rid of in the future or get rid of another fish, JMO.

john harlan

also when i do upgrade to the three hundred gallon could i add a Harlequin tusk wrasse??? and also a blue face or emporator angel
sorry for mispelling

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by john harlan
also when i do upgrade to the three hundred gallon could i add a Harlequin tusk wrasse??? and also a blue face or emporator angel
sorry for mispelling
hmmm, if I were you I would look up all the fish you already have and find out there adult size, then look at some other fish that you would like to add and figure out if they will go well in your tank, 300g is a great sized tank but people can also make them looked like crammed tanks... just a suggestion, I'm not trying to imply that you didn't do your research or anything.


Originally Posted by Salt Life
ohhh very nice, I would maybe go with a bigger type of red fish, one of the smallers ones might get lost in a 300g... maybe someone else wants to chime in but with what you have now, when full grown might fill out a 300g nicely so I would pick something that you won't have to get rid of in the future or get rid of another fish, JMO.
I have a 225g, and believe me the red spotted sand perch is a is not lost at all....

john harlan

yes i know that they all get over 8 inch but the dog face i am not sure about him i forgot to mention i am not going to add the puffer or the tangs to the the new tank maybe the purple but that's about it. the puffer and tangs are staying in the hundred

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by john harlan
yes i know that they all get over 8 inch but the dog face i am not sure about him i forgot to mention i am not going to add the puffer or the tangs are not going into the new tank maybe the purple but that's about it.
oh ok.......... well that changes things.......