need sponge ID please


i picked this sponge up about two weeks ago, my lfs didn't know what kind it was. he had it in a quarintine tank for two weeks, at his store. it was found in the back bay, where i live, here in biloxi, Ms. i brought it home for only 10.00 dollars, i driped it for almost 30 hours, and cleaned it off, it had things nesting in it. i put it in my tank and it is looking even better than it looked when i first brought it home. i just can't seem to find out any info on it. i have it semi under my lr where it is some darkness when the lights come on. i never had a sponge before so can anyone tell me what it is? and what the lighting requirments are? thanks

bang guy

I do not know what type of Sponge it is. It looks like the type that needs to be in the dark so algae doesn't grow on it.


30HOURS!!!!!!! thats alot... but its cool:yes: no idea what kind it is:notsure:


thanks for the replys guys, Bang, i am keeping it in semi darkness for right now, oh ya, Bang i e-mailed you. i hope you got it. i did it about an hour ago. let me know if you got it, ok. i driped this sponge for about 30 hours because it was found in brackish water, and i was putting it in my reef. so i wanted to acclamate it a lot longer so it would adjust to a salinity of 1.025.and it seems to be doing fine, i think.:notsure: because i don't know what it is yet except that it's a sponge of some sort. i am still trying to get info on it . plus it changes colors a little bit during the day, then at nigth it goes back to this color of red. i'm going to send a pic of it while it is a different color of red.


oh ok:) ive never heard of brackish water sponges:notsure: maybe thats why they did not know anything about it :thinking:


i'm just going by what my lfs guy had told me, that they had found it in brackish water, so i'm :notsure: if this is true, so i didn't want to take any chances, because it is so beautiful, i didn't want to kill it. and thanks again for replying:) :joy: :happy:


i'm just bumping this up, i'm still needing to know if anyone has seen one of these and what kind of sponge it is, and the care for it. if anyone has even a guess, that might help also.


thanks waterfaller, so what do you think it is, besides being a sponge,ha ha. do you think it needs to be in a little more darkness or not. like i said earlier in this thread, i never have had sponges before,i don't know what the needs are or requirerments,so any kind of info will help. thanks again.


:D :jumping: thats to funny::eek: a giant sponge O no look out ! it's may attack ! run---run for your life.

thanks waterfaller for the insight on Mr. bubbles giant sponge thread. it's way to funny, i can't stop

and thanks for helping me try and find out some info on this. have a great day at your new job
ps here is another picture of it , Wow, thats wierd, i don't know what that blue thing is in this picture. never seen this before. and i just went over and looked and there is nothing blue there at all. boy now i'm puzzeld:confused: