Need Suggestions on Additional Fish


Active Member
Ok - I think that my mourning is over. I am now looking into getting 1 or 2 more fish for my FOWLR 180. My current stock is:
6" Emperor Angel
6" Blueface Angel
6.5" Hippo Tang
6" Naso Tang
4" Niger Trigger
Prior to this I had the following:
7" Porcupine Puffer (sudden loss in which I am in mourning)

6" Queen Angel (lost 2 in QT...touchy suckers)

4" French Angel (ate my Pink show piece of Gonoporia so she was taken mistake)
5" Powder Blue (had 2 years before Ich got to it)

Two 2" Anthias (lost them with the Powder blue)

finally...had a school of Blue-Green Chromis that my puffer snacked on (6)

I want your suggestions on what I should get next. My thoughts are to get another type of puffer (Mappa or other due to its personality), or something completely different like Butterfly's.
Let me know your thoughts.


Active Member
We have similar fish interests, as such I shall offer the following suggestions as a possibility.
Huma Trig
Lunare Wrasse
Snowflake Eel
Any Big Puffer
Don't know a lot about Butterflies, but do you think one could hang with a well establish Emporer Angel like you have?

Let me know what you end up getting, and take a pic...Love your tank.
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
6" Emperor Angel
6" Blueface Angel
6.5" Hippo Tang
6" Naso Tang
4" Niger Trigger
Let me know your thoughts.

I didn't know a emperor and a blueface could be kept in the same tank. Do they get along?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
We have similar fish interests, as such I shall offer the following suggestions as a possibility.
Huma Trig
Lunare Wrasse
Snowflake Eel
Any Big Puffer
Don't know a lot about Butterflies, but do you think one could hang with a well establish Emporer Angel like you have?

Let me know what you end up getting, and take a pic...Love your tank.
I like the trigger idea. I was considering a clown trigger though. Also, I want to get an eel, but I am hessitant due to the fact that they can (and have) gone nuts and bit other fish. I would be pissed if it hurt either of my angels.
I will for sure send pics once I get the new addition(s)


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Originally Posted by markanderson
I didn't know a emperor and a blueface could be kept in the same tank. Do they get along?
Oh yeah, I actually had a french in the mix too and they all got along quite well. Believe it or not, the most aggressive fish that I have ever had was a powder blue tang.
The key to having multiple big angels is putting them in together. Having them be similar sizes. And having ample rock work for them to hide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I like the trigger idea. I was considering a clown trigger though. Also, I want to get an eel, but I am hessitant due to the fact that they can (and have) gone nuts and bit other fish. I would be pissed if it hurt either of my angels.
I will for sure send pics once I get the new addition(s)

I would love you to be my Clown Trigger "Guinea Pig". I think I told you I am starting a 180 later this year, would love to have a Clown as the last addition, but am a bit nervous. I have had an Undulate Trigger before, no chance with that fish, Clowns are bigger, but not as nasty.
How does a naso tang survive in there? I am going to pick up a luner wrasse this weekend. Nice addition to your tank.
I love to see a pic of the tank.


Active Member
If you want your naso to develop streamers then I wouldn't get a clown trigger. Nasos are big and hardy but aren't that tough and IMO will get picked on by an aggressive nipper. What about a lion?


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Originally Posted by 3stripedamsel
How does a naso tang survive in there? I am going to pick up a luner wrasse this weekend. Nice addition to your tank.
I love to see a pic of the tank.
Here is the pic that I posted a few times before (I am taking more). The Naso does just fine. He is fast and stays out of everyones way. He can handle his own. I give him 2 more inches and wait till his razors on his tail come out and no one will mess with him


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
If you want your naso to develop streamers then I wouldn't get a clown trigger. Nasos are big and hardy but aren't that tough and IMO will get picked on by an aggressive nipper. What about a lion?
I agree with that, but the streamers get nipped by the Angels (at least the Niger's do).
I have my eye on a Blue Line trigger (actually I have him on hold at the LFS as of tonight).
I wanted a lion forever, but my wife refuses to have a venomous fish in the tank. DAMN!
Nice tank, The emperor and the blueface seem to shine in the tank.
I am curious what is nitrate level with these big fishes?
what can they tolerate?


u need some red, get a mintiatus grouper or a maroon clown ^^. and u NEED a puffer lol.puffers are hte best, mines off the wall nuts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
If you want your naso to develop streamers then I wouldn't get a clown trigger. Nasos are big and hardy but aren't that tough and IMO will get picked on by an aggressive nipper. What about a lion?
Only male Naso have streamers anyway, his must be female.
How big is the Blueline Campbell?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Only male Naso have streamers anyway, his must be female.
How big is the Blueline Campbell?
The one that I have on hold is about 4". He is starting to change. I figure with him being smaller than the angels and same size as the Niger they should do fine.
I am concerned though cause my Hippo tang is really touchy. Everytime I introduce new fish she freaks out and gets ich. Pisses me off.
I do need some red and I was thinking about a gold stripe maroon too. I want to put a huge rose anemone in there but am affraid that the angels will eat it like they have so many other things.


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Originally Posted by Limitedslip
u need some red, get a mintiatus grouper or a maroon clown ^^. and u NEED a puffer lol.puffers are hte best, mines off the wall nuts.
Limited - I had a beautiful Porcupine puffer that passed about 2 months ago unexpectedly. It was really sad. He was like my dog. I want another puffer but they eat my cleaning crew and I cant stand spending $100 on snails and crabs only to have Puff eat them all


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Also, the naso doesnt grow streamers till they are around 7 inches. The blonde mature earlier, but I think mine may be a male. You never know though, i am keeping my fingures crossed.


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Originally Posted by 3stripedamsel
Nice tank, The emperor and the blueface seem to shine in the tank.
I am curious what is nitrate level with these big fishes?
what can they tolerate?
The cool thing about the Emperor is that I can tell when the water quality dips even a little. He gets splotches (SP) on him and opens his mouth. Right now I have a G3 skimmer cleaning all of their waste which is considerably less then when I had "Puff".
I love angels and I have my eye on a 500g room separator tank that I might put 5 or six angels in. My ideal tank would be the following:
1 Blueface
1 Emperor
1 Queen
1 Goldflake
1 Majestic
1 Regal
It may happen. If it does, I will be putting that diary right here


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The cool thing about the Emperor is that I can tell when the water quality dips even a little. He gets splotches (SP) on him and opens his mouth. Right now I have a G3 skimmer cleaning all of their waste which is considerably less then when I had "Puff".
I love angels and I have my eye on a 500g room separator tank that I might put 5 or six angels in. My ideal tank would be the following:
1 Blueface
1 Emperor
1 Queen
1 Goldflake
1 Majestic
1 Regal
It may happen. If it does, I will be putting that diary right here


Ever thought about an Annularis or a Passer...Passer are supposed to the hardiest angel there is, downside is the most aggressive also. Anni's are just beautiful, and hardy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig

Ever thought about an Annularis or a Passer...Passer are supposed to the hardiest angel there is, downside is the most aggressive also. Anni's are just beautiful, and hardy.
I have thought about the Passer. I like them a lot. I can never find one though. I almost bought an annularis prior to my first Queen, but ultimately decided on the queen. they are gorgeous. Maybe I would add one of them to my list
This is a great thread.
Angels are very beautiful, the bad part is they can't stand each other.
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The cool thing about the Emperor is that I can tell when the water quality dips even a little. He gets splotches (SP) on him and opens his mouth. Right now I have a G3 skimmer cleaning all of their waste which is considerably less then when I had "Puff".
I love angels and I have my eye on a 500g room separator tank that I might put 5 or six angels in. My ideal tank would be the following:
1 Blueface
1 Emperor
1 Queen
1 Goldflake
1 Majestic
1 Regal
It may happen. If it does, I will be putting that diary right here