need suggestions


Active Member
I was never really interested in getting an anemone, but my husband has taken an interest in getting one for our clowns.
Can you give me a couple of suggestions on a hardy inexpensive anemone for my Ocellaris Clownfish.
My female is about 4 yrs old and my male about 2. They were hosting my hair algea, but I have gotten rid of most of it and they seem lost
which of these are best for my clowns

shrimpy brains

I have a long tentacle(ritterri <spelling> i believe) it seems to be very hardy, and doesn't move much!


LOL...who knows...I have a BTA and my clowns never go near it...and I read al lthe time how people put them in their tanks and clowns go right to them....


Active Member
I really like the BTA's as far as anemones go.. but I don't think I'd put one in my main tank again -- but I do have a Rose BTA in my frag tank.


Active Member
Anyone else? I dont have a lot of corals right now, so the anemone will have plenty of room. I do have some powerheads that may need to be covered
Your clowns may or may not host any of the three. If you want one that stays in the sand go with the LTA but if you want one that will settle in your rock work then go with the BTA.

rod buehle

Natural hosts would be ; Heteractis magnifica; Stichodactyla gigantea; S. mertensii.
H. mags get HUGE (3') and are very difficult to keep.
S. gigantea are probably the most difficult anemone to keep (H.mag being a very close second). Usually max out at about 22".
S.mertensii is rarely imported and will reach 3'.
Id recommend a BTA, and from the sounds of your clowns, they would really appreciate any anemone.
Good luck.