Need to ask before I make a big mistake!

I had a 125 gallon saltwater tank with 160 lbs of live sand in it up for about a month, I then decided to go with a bigger 225 gallon tank and broke down the 125 and stored the live sand in 5 gallon buckets with saltwater.
Now my 225 is almost ready to fill, can I reuse this live sand? it's been in the buckets for about a little over a month.
It was fresh live sand from my LFS when I placed it in the 125 tank.
I placed it in the buckets with saltwater and a tight lid and it's been at room temp.
I am transferring a 90 gallon tank into this new tank but the 90 does not have enough sand for the new tank so I was going to place this sand on the bottom and the sand from the 90 on top but I don't want it to crash my new tank so I thought I would ask you guys what I should do.
Thank you as always for your help.


I would bet that the sand is live (bacteria) but it will cause a spike from all dead inverts (worms, pods, etc...) in the sand. I also think that it will stink pretty bad once you open those containers. If you have to wait for the tank to cycle anyway then I don't see a problem using it. If you are planning on putting it in something that already has fish in it then I wouldn't. That's just my $.02
Originally Posted by Deton8it http:///t/395120/need-to-ask-before-i-make-a-big-mistake#post_3516918
I would bet that the sand is live (bacteria) but it will cause a spike from all dead inverts (worms, pods, etc...) in the sand. I also think that it will stink pretty bad once you open those containers. If you have to wait for the tank to cycle anyway then I don't see a problem using it. If you are planning on putting it in something that already has fish in it then I wouldn't. That's just my $.02
It will be going into a tank with fish in it, or there will be once I break down my 90 gallon, I would just let it cycle but I need to use the sump on the 90.
I was thinking about spreading it out on a tarp and rising it really good then letting in dry out, before I use it because I will put the sand from the 90 on top of it so it will seed it again.
I would really like to use it because it cost my so much money.
or would it be better to maybe use play sand with the sand from the 90 on top of that?
I just went and opened the bucket and there is no bad smell at all, the water on top is a creamy color.
Does that make a difference?


After I posted that I started thinking that there really isn't a difference between what you did and those bags of live sand that are available at some pet stores. Theoretically, they would have the same results.
If you are planning on drying it out first then I think it should be fine. Once you rinse and dry it then it should be the same as any dead sand. I would still monitor your water in case you do get a spike.


Active Member
Wash it with some fresh salt water and then test the water. It you have nitrate or ammonia the. Cycle will take place otherwise you should run the tank for a few days and test it again.
Originally Posted by Deton8it http:///t/395120/need-to-ask-before-i-make-a-big-mistake#post_3516945
After I posted that I started thinking that there really isn't a difference between what you did and those bags of live sand that are available at some pet stores. Theoretically, they would have the same results.
That's what I was thinking, Those bags say there are bacteria already in the sand, how do they not die off?
I thought when I opened the bucket I was gonna gag but there was no bad smell that's gotta be a good sign right.
Originally Posted by tthemadd1 http:///t/395120/need-to-ask-before-i-make-a-big-mistake#post_3516948
Wash it with some fresh salt water and then test the water. It you have nitrate or ammonia the. Cycle will take place otherwise you should run the tank for a few days and test it again.
I will try that this weekend.
I also plan on having about 50 gallons of fresh saltwater on hand just in case because I've had my fish for about 4 years and I don't want anything to happen to them.
I will be testing my water daily.
I will post a picture once the tank is up and running.
Thank you both for your help!
I decided to be safe and went and bought some new sand, I don't want to chance anything crashing my tank, I thought it's better to be safe then sorry.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Was it new bagged live sand? Bagged live sand is dry sand with bacteria and a food source. The bags are dated, the younger the date the more food source is left in bag which will cause a ammonia spike. I would still chk. prams after the water clears B4 you add your fish.
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/395120/need-to-ask-before-i-make-a-big-mistake#post_3517500
Was it new bagged live sand? Bagged live sand is dry sand with bacteria and a food source. The bags are dated, the younger the date the more food source is left in bag which will cause a ammonia spike. I would still chk. prams after the water clears B4 you add your fish.
It was new bagged but, not live, dry, I put it down first then the sand from my 90 gallon on top if it, I had about 4" of live sand in the 90 so I just added 40 lbs of dry sand to it, I figured that my live sand would seed it really well.
Then I filled the tank up half way and added my live rock, then I filled it up the rest of the way and added ATM colony to the water, then I added my coral and my fish, that was on Sunday, yesterday I tested my water everything is great so far, I will test it again tonight.
So far my fish look great swimming around like there back in the ocean

As a side note: I am using my sump from my 90 gallon and for the last month I had two sump set up on my 90 hoping to seed the new sump as well so the tank and the water is new but the sumps are not, one has been running for about 4 years and the other new one about a month.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by mmstillwell01 http:///t/395120/need-to-ask-before-i-make-a-big-mistake#post_3517505
It was new bagged but, not live, dry, I put it down first then the sand from my 90 gallon on top if it, I had about 4" of live sand in the 90 so I just added 40 lbs of dry sand to it, I figured that my live sand would seed it really well.
Then I filled the tank up half way and added my live rock, then I filled it up the rest of the way and added ATM colony to the water, then I added my coral and my fish, that was on Sunday, yesterday I tested my water everything is great so far, I will test it again tonight.
So far my fish look great swimming around like there back in the ocean

As a side note: I am using my sump from my 90 gallon and for the last month I had two sump set up on my 90 hoping to seed the new sump as well so the tank and the water is new but the sumps are not, one has been running for about 4 years and the other new one about a month.
sound like you've done this B4

mr. limpid

Active Member
But it so exciting. I remember when I was setting up my 135 best time hobby. Everything so clean and the water smells like ocean, once the fish and coral are in the tank never smells like that again. I just was cleaning my sump last night not my favorite smell.
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/395120/need-to-ask-before-i-make-a-big-mistake#post_3517579
But it so exciting. I remember when I was setting up my 135 best time hobby. Everything so clean and the water smells like ocean, once the fish and coral are in the tank never smells like that again. I just was cleaning my sump last night not my favorite smell.
It is exciting, after everything was in the tank I set and watched my fish swimming around, I could tell they loved the extra space, there's nothing more peaceful then watching my tanks, people that are not in the hobby just don't understand, they think the fish and coral are cool, but they don't get how it feels to be the one to keep your small part of the ocean alive and healthy it's hard work sometimes but very rewording.

Then I had to clean out the 90 after been up for 4 years THE SMELL

mr. limpid

Active Member
White vinegar will help with the smell. Back in the day we use to use muriatic acid, I don;t recommend that. You need to add a neutralizer I believe its been awhile since I used it.