I had a 125 gallon saltwater tank with 160 lbs of live sand in it up for about a month, I then decided to go with a bigger 225 gallon tank and broke down the 125 and stored the live sand in 5 gallon buckets with saltwater.
Now my 225 is almost ready to fill, can I reuse this live sand? it's been in the buckets for about a little over a month.
It was fresh live sand from my LFS when I placed it in the 125 tank.
I placed it in the buckets with saltwater and a tight lid and it's been at room temp.
I am transferring a 90 gallon tank into this new tank but the 90 does not have enough sand for the new tank so I was going to place this sand on the bottom and the sand from the 90 on top but I don't want it to crash my new tank so I thought I would ask you guys what I should do.
Thank you as always for your help.
Now my 225 is almost ready to fill, can I reuse this live sand? it's been in the buckets for about a little over a month.
It was fresh live sand from my LFS when I placed it in the 125 tank.
I placed it in the buckets with saltwater and a tight lid and it's been at room temp.
I am transferring a 90 gallon tank into this new tank but the 90 does not have enough sand for the new tank so I was going to place this sand on the bottom and the sand from the 90 on top but I don't want it to crash my new tank so I thought I would ask you guys what I should do.
Thank you as always for your help.