Need very pink fish


Ok just what it says I am looking for a reef friendly pink fish, the hotter the pink the better...and I don't want it tiny, but post whatever you want.


My girlfriend want to pick out a bright pink fish her favorite color...i could not find any...also the purple guy is not pink...i do like some posted so far...thank you.


Originally Posted by Anubisxero
i would've said a fridmani basslet but you said not too small.

I can just tape a few of them together


Active Member
Hi saw a Hawiian flame wrass for 150 dollars on another site....there was an actual picture of the exact fish for sale and it is hot pink with a little yellow accent. If you want to know where it is email me


Active Member
Strawberry Pseudochromis may be small, but they are hot and pack a punch. Not for the docile comminuty, though. They can be very aggressive.
Beautiful fish.


Active Member
well my male lyretail anthias is a hot pink and they can get to 5". male square spot anthias is even more hot pink and can get to 8" but dont acclimate as readily as Lyretail. Painted (pictilis) anthias are also hot pink (amonst other colors) but are expensive ($100-150) and dont acclimate much better than pink squares. many anthias have at least some pink and I cant think of any fish with hotter or more pink than anthias. research their upkeep 1rst. all anthias require more care than your average fish.
my male lyretail



Active Member
well in general most require high flow (like an SPS coral tank would have), lots of swimming space for more than one (some do better in herims of a male to multiple female but mostly its just cool to keep them that way but being a herim space is needed due to aggression as they jockey for their place in it.), require feeding several times a day which if you have four like I do means filtering has to be up to par. Many are finicky eaters. mine wont touch dry food and lyretails are the easier ones to feed. Mine only eat frozen or live mysis, reef plankton. sweetwater plankton (daphnia) and brine.
The only anthias considered relatively easy/hardy to keep are Lyretail and bartletts. painted, square spot, dispar, bicolor are considered keepable but harder. give or take a few the rest dont usually do well in captivity.


Well I have about 35x turnover in my is a 125. What is herim? I can't even find that word in the dictionary. I have a good sump/fuge setup with a protein skimmer that is rated for much larger. Does that sound doable?


I believe when the previous poster said "herim" he meant "harem". There are several fish that do well in groupings of 1 male to 3-4 females (his "harem"). Some of the anthias and some of the flasher wrasses fall into that category.


Active Member
Stan, your tank is awesome!!! :cheer:
I was wanting to do one Lyretail male and two females in my 125 (6' long), would that be ok? Turn over rate is about 25x/hour with in sump skimmer. As far as finicky eaters I'm getting used to that with my Bangaii Cardinals, they won't touch anything but frozen mysis shrimp. They turn into little sharks when I put the shrimp in.