Need your advise on my stock list...


I'm working on a fish stock list for my 90gal reef. Just wanted to see what ya' all thought of this combination. I'm shooting for a passive community type tank.
One Sixline Wrasse
One Yellowhead Jawfish
A Mated pair of False Perc Clowns
Five Green Cromis
One Yellow Tang (added last)
Okay... now for 2 options:
I wanted a schooling fish - other ideas besides the Green Cromis? Is 5 the right amount for this setup?
I would like one larger center piece kind of fish - other options besides the Tang?
Thanks for your help!!


Active Member
I've seen several people keep Flames in a reef. As for my Flame when I had him in my 80 reef he picked at all my yellow polyps. I moved him to my 240, and he hasn't bothered any of the polyps or mushrooms in that tank. He just really liked my yellow polyps for some odd reason.


Thanks for the comments so far.
What I've read about Angelfish has scared me off because of the likely chance they will eat coral polyps.
Is there another type of Tang that would work - a little less common than the standard yellow? How about the Atlantic Blue Tang or Kole's Tang.
How does the rest of the list look? Is there room for more or leave it at that? I'll have a total of about 80lbs of rock.


Active Member
Also nice is the powder blue tang, or a powder brown tang, or a purple tang. Or maybe a "Dorry" fish like in the movie Nemo. I think it is called a Hipo tang. Lesley

bang guy

A Purple or Kole are the only two other Tangs that I would recommend for your tank.
I recommend against having 2 Tangs in there also.


Active Member
Bang Guy-
i have seen lots pics with the powder blue's and the yellow tangs in the same tank. why dont you recommend it?

bang guy

IMO a 90 gallon is too small for a Powder Blue Tang. It can be done but the odds are stacked up against you. Powder Blues are very skittish and two cramped Tangs is asking for trouble.


Active Member
Keeping a purple with a yellow will most likely lead to the death of the yellow. Purples tend to be very aggressive, and with the yellow having a very similar body shape, it would probably get picked on. I would not recommend keeping 2 tangs together in a 125, but if you do decide to try it make sure they are from different families, have different colors, and body shape. Also try to stick with tangs that stay on the smaller side. You could possibly do a yellow, and a kole tang together in a 125.

bang guy

I agree with Stacy. Two Zebramosas is also asking for trouble.
A Blue and a Yellow would have a good chance of eventually getting along. The Blue will quickly outgrow the Yellow but the Yellow is a bit more agressive. It could work.
If it were my tank I would choose one (like I did).


Active Member
ok guys/girls thanks
i have been doing some research on tangs today, mostly i have found that, well your basically right. unless they are of a different shape tang, a powder blue and an yellow COULD make it.
i thought i knew what i had planned for my stock list but i think i will have to start another thread (sorry i took over this one foxhorn ;) ) because i have other questions on how many of each i can add etc.. like can you do a pair of black & white clowns & a pair of orange/white? and some other questions after all this reading today.