No offense, but there are three sides to every story, his, hers and the truth. Having lived in several neighborhoods with all types of neighbors, I also think you went to far. I understand you have several cars but garages are for cars. My mother in law lives in a neighborhood of small houses with two car garages and everyone parks on the street because their garage is so full of crap there is no room for their cars. The entire neighborhood looks like a parking lot and you have to navigate around as if two cars meet only one can get through at a time. Most of the people that live there are original owners because no one will buy a house in that subdivision.
Again, not trying to be disrespectful, but I'd hate to be your neighbor with cars out front all the time and I wouldn't appreciate you parking in front of my house either. Now I wouldn't be rude to you or talk about you, but I wouldn't like it. That is the double edged sword about HOAs. In my neighborhood you can't park on the street and you can't have boats, trailers or anything outside of a garage. Those are the things I like about HOAs. Getting a letter about your trash can being out by the road at 6:45PM when it's supposed to be in at 6:00PM is stupid though. I guess you take the good with the bad.
Just my opinion and not shared by everyone I'm sure.