

Active Member

Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Thats pretty harsh.What if its a Cadillac ,Lexus,and a Viper?
Maybe a old school bus with curtains but i hardly would call 3 cars in a single family home trashy.

Having more
than three cars outside
any single family home is also considered trashy.

I've seen trashy Cadillacs and trashy Lexuses before, but never a trashy Viper.
I think what RFB meant is OUTSIDE the house. Those car, esp. the Viper belong in the garage, not parked on the curb on the street. Nobody uses a garage these days for their actual purpose. Housing cars, not a garage full of clutter.


Active Member
It could very well be 5 exotic cars.....
Money does not translate into class.
If you park more than 3 OUTSIDE then it is trashy. Any make or model its trash. I really am not trying ot be offensive about it but its a social grace. Unspoken but present in almost any urban neighborhood.


I guess I am just trashy because I have more than 3 cars. I have a 21 foot bass boat (my husband does FLW tournaments and won't leave his baby anywhere else) my 06 Fusion, My daughters 07 F150, My husbands beast 4x4 F250, my moms little 05 Saturn, and my daughter's BF old 4x4 beast. I know it is a bit much but what else can I do. My father passed away and my mom has no where else to go and my daughter is in college. I do what I can do?
Here are some pics. I tried to take some with out being too obvious.
In one pic you can see the tall statue. They even put a santa hat on it. Lol..
The first one is my house. (sorry all my Christmas stuff is deflated)
The second is the street in question. He is on the corner and you can see the stupid sticks.
The third is one of the statues.



Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
It could very well be 5 exotic cars.....
Money does not translate into class.
If you park more than 3 OUTSIDE then it is trashy. Any make or model its trash. I really am not trying ot be offensive about it but its a social grace. Unspoken but present in almost any urban neighborhood.
you live in crazyfornia.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaryG
I guess I am just trashy because I have more than 3 cars. I have a 21 foot bass boat (my husband does FLW tournaments and won't leave his baby anywhere else) my 06 Fusion, My daughters 07 F150, My husbands beast 4x4 F250, my moms little 05 Saturn, and my daughter's BF old 4x4 beast. I know it is a bit much but what else can I do. My father passed away and my mom has no where else to go and my daughter is in college. I do what I can do?
Here are some pics. I tried to take some with out being too obvious.
In one pic you can see the tall statue. They even put a santa hat on it. Lol..
The first one is my house. (sorry all my Christmas stuff is deflated)
The second is the street in question. He is on the corner and you can see the stupid sticks.
The third is one of the statues.
He is ticked because you park in his ditch?
Now that is just rediculous!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
It could very well be 5 exotic cars.....
Money does not translate into class.
If you park more than 3 OUTSIDE then it is trashy. Any make or model its trash. I really am not trying ot be offensive about it but its a social grace. Unspoken but present in almost any urban neighborhood.
Oh ,well if its a unspoken rule ..... But i would submit to you by your statement alone ,by the definition of the word"social grace"i would refrain from name calling.That is if we are to behave in a non trashy manner here.


During the day it is usually just me and my mom's car plus the boat. I am self employed and work from home. In the evening everyone is home and it gets a little crowded. We have been wanting to expand the driveway around the side and put the boat there and another car and get all the vehicles off the grass. But $ takes time. It is on my list of things to do but not my priority right now. It is the city's code to have any boat or RV on a concrete pad or I would have it moved already. He is just gonna have to deal with it until I can afford to get it done. We had the boat at my husbands airplane hangar but the airport told him he couldn't keep it there. Call me TRASHY but you would also have to do what I am doing in my situation.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MaryG
I guess I am just trashy because I have more than 3 cars. I have a 21 foot bass boat (my husband does FLW tournaments and won't leave his baby anywhere else) my 06 Fusion, My daughters 07 F150, My husbands beast 4x4 F250, my moms little 05 Saturn, and my daughter's BF old 4x4 beast. I know it is a bit much but what else can I do. My father passed away and my mom has no where else to go and my daughter is in college. I do what I can do?
Here are some pics. I tried to take some with out being too obvious.
In one pic you can see the tall statue. They even put a santa hat on it. Lol..
The first one is my house. (sorry all my Christmas stuff is deflated)
The second is the street in question. He is on the corner and you can see the stupid sticks.
The third is one of the statues.
Mary do you think you could run back out there and get a front side shot of that 3rd picture.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
He is ticked because you park in his ditch?
Now that is just rediculous!
Duh! Now you see what I mean. It isn't even his ditch and we haven't had any drive near his damn ditch in a while. One of his stupid sticks got leaned over and that is how this started.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Mary do you think you could run back out there and get a front side shot of that 3rd picture.

I know it is too funny. I will have to "walk my dog" later and get another shot. Lol....


Active Member
His place really doesn't seem that bad, landscape wise. I was expecting something from Parrot Jungle... You said he's from NY. Maybe he never had a real yard before and really cares for the one he has own?

Either way, your driveway is quite large. Is there any reason you only park 3 cars on it? Even with the boat, you could fit at least the fourth on there. And, honestly there's more then more, no one has to run over his/the commonwealth property.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
His place really doesn't seem that bad, landscape wise. I was expecting something from Parrot Jungle... You said he's from NY. Maybe he never had a real yard before and really cares for the one he has own?

Either way, your driveway is quite large. Is there any reason you only park 3 cars on it? Even with the boat, you could fit at least the fourth on there. And, honestly there's more then more, no one has to run over his/the commonwealth property.

Trust me we tried. The vehicles will just stick out in the street then the mail carrier will complain and the trash pick up and it will never end!


Active Member
The boat doesn't fit into the garage?
At least Mary, you could always look on the bright side, I couldn't even think of having a boat out like that on my driveway with the HOA Nazi's we have here.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
The boat doesn't fit into the garage?
At least Mary, you could always look on the bright side, I couldn't even think of having a boat out like that on my driveway with the HOA Nazi's we have here.

Yeah right, you couldn't fit a bicycle in my garage right now. My mother moved in and she kept a bunch of stuff. My daughter started collecting furniture for when she eventually moves out. It has a large gym in there and my husbands workbench and his tools and stuff. The boat is also too long with the trailer and all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
The boat doesn't fit into the garage?
At least Mary, you could always look on the bright side, I couldn't even think of having a boat out like that on my driveway with the HOA Nazi's we have here.

I don't know what it is like in florida, but everyone here has a boat in their driveway or parked on the side of their house. It is part of living near the coast. (or lakes)


Originally Posted by stdreb27
I don't know what it is like in florida, but everyone here has a boat in their driveway or parked on the side of their house. It is part of living near the coast. (or lakes)
That is so true. I would say maybe 50% of the homes in our hood have a boat or an RV or sometimes both in their driveway. There are alot of old farts that come down here to thaw out for the winter and they RV it down here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I don't know what it is like in florida, but everyone here has a boat in their driveway or parked on the side of their house. It is part of living near the coast. (or lakes)
It varies per neighborhood and how severely the HOA wants to artificially inflate home prices. Usually a bit out of town, you do whatever you want. The whole gated sub-division thing has only started about 10 years ago in Florida. Mine is about as worst as they come, we got a threat of fine notice that the tree in our front lawn was in violation. Guess why?? The tree is suppose to be maintained so that no branches extend above the sidewalk or are aleast 8 feet above the sidewalk. Our branches were like 6 1/2' above the sidewalk.
In my parents old neighborhood, you couldn't have a commercial vehicle, the sign/logo had to be removal or covered. Down in Coral Gables at a buddies place, TRUCKS aren't even allowed. He had a Silverdo SS, and he had to sell it.


Active Member
No offense, but there are three sides to every story, his, hers and the truth. Having lived in several neighborhoods with all types of neighbors, I also think you went to far. I understand you have several cars but garages are for cars. My mother in law lives in a neighborhood of small houses with two car garages and everyone parks on the street because their garage is so full of crap there is no room for their cars. The entire neighborhood looks like a parking lot and you have to navigate around as if two cars meet only one can get through at a time. Most of the people that live there are original owners because no one will buy a house in that subdivision.
Again, not trying to be disrespectful, but I'd hate to be your neighbor with cars out front all the time and I wouldn't appreciate you parking in front of my house either. Now I wouldn't be rude to you or talk about you, but I wouldn't like it. That is the double edged sword about HOAs. In my neighborhood you can't park on the street and you can't have boats, trailers or anything outside of a garage. Those are the things I like about HOAs. Getting a letter about your trash can being out by the road at 6:45PM when it's supposed to be in at 6:00PM is stupid though. I guess you take the good with the bad.
Just my opinion and not shared by everyone I'm sure.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
It varies per neighborhood and how severely the HOA wants to artificially inflate home prices. Usually a bit out of town, you do whatever you want. The whole gated sub-division thing has only started about 10 years ago in Florida. Mine is about as worst as they come, we got a threat of fine notice that the tree in our front lawn was in violation. Guess why?? The tree is suppose to be maintained so that no branches extend above the sidewalk or are aleast 8 feet above the sidewalk. Our branches were like 6 1/2' above the sidewalk.
In my parents old neighborhood, you couldn't have a commercial vehicle, the sign/logo had to be removal or covered. Down in Coral Gables at a buddies place, TRUCKS aren't even allowed. He had a Silverdo SS, and he had to sell it.
I moved here from Wellington, Fl. And it was real crazy there. You had to submit a permit for paint colors to paint your exterior or to put up a satelite dish. Your grass could only be so tall and all other crazy stuff. That is why we move here to do what the hell we wanted. We couldn't park on the "right of way" down there. You had to park in the street. But my kids were smaller then and didn't drive.
Remember a few years back we got like three hurricanes in a row. Well my neighbor (in mention) didn't have a generator. I took his family in and we watched TV and enjoyed all the comforts of electricity. I guess some people soon forget. But that is just the kind of neighbor I am. He really just caught me on the wrong day. I wonder if I should go talk to him or let things die down. I warned him that those sticks were a code violation. They are probably gonna come by and fine him if he doesn't remove them. But I warned him.


Originally Posted by TangMan99
No offense, but there are three sides to every story, his, hers and the truth. Having lived in several neighborhoods with all types of neighbors, I also think you went to far. I understand you have several cars but garages are for cars. My mother in law lives in a neighborhood of small houses with two car garages and everyone parks on the street because their garage is so full of crap there is no room for their cars. The entire neighborhood looks like a parking lot and you have to navigate around as if two cars meet only one can get through at a time. Most of the people that live there are original owners because no one will buy a house in that subdivision.
Again, not trying to be disrespectful, but I'd hate to be your neighbor with cars out front all the time and I wouldn't appreciate you parking in front of my house either. Now I wouldn't be rude to you or talk about you, but I wouldn't like it. That is the double edged sword about HOAs. In my neighborhood you can't park on the street and you can't have boats, trailers or anything outside of a garage. Those are the things I like about HOAs. Getting a letter about your trash can being out by the road at 6:45PM when it's supposed to be in at 6:00PM is stupid though. I guess you take the good with the bad.
Just my opinion and not shared by everyone I'm sure.

I don't park in front of his house. The front of his house faces on another street. He is on a corner lot. I only park in front of mine. I do not bother anyone else.