New 100g Tank Here


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by IbanEz
What part are you referring too. Over sizing? I don't know if they make a hob skimmer that would be too large for even the smaller tanks as far as being able to remove skimmate, but they do make hob skimmers that wouldn't fit in small tanks due to the size of the skimmer itself, at least without major modifications.

I can't PM you, sorry to take over the thread, I bought a skimmer sized for 125g and I have a 90g tank....I have a problem getting it make foam and it makes microbubbles. I always thought going bigger than needed was a good thing. Now after what you posted I am wondering...I blamed the brand, I never thought of it being too large.


I would imagine that is your problem, it is too big, needs more waste. You should make a new thread and see if any one else has had the same problem before. I wouldn't have thought only 35 gallon difference would cause a problem, but it may in fact. I was thinking more along the lines of 125 gallon skimmer for 55 gallon tank.


ok here are pics of the sump setup before i do the silicone how far should the bubble traps be apart ( im guessing that is what the 3 dividers are for)
the tank is 12 inches deep and i have the dividers all cut at 9 inches so the water level will be at 9 inches any comments or if i have doen anything wrong let me know it also has a small spot in the middle for a refugium if i want to have one



Active Member
yea, when doing your measurements dont forget about the water level rising once the tank is filled and you have to shut it off for maintenence or the power fails.


salt you made me remember i will need a cut off valve just in case haha thanks a ton man


ok now i have finished my plumbing here are some pics and i will be ready for my fresh water test run to get my flow right and then saltwater and sand tomorrow night



What are the two pipes at the top comeing out to each side of the tank doing? Or should I say, are they coming through the side of the overflow attached to a t inside the overflow?


yes you are correct ibanez they are connected to a T and i drilled holes in them and left them loose so i could adjust water flow inside the tank before i buy some of the ones u stick on the tank i forgot what they are called
but anyways how am i doing lol?


Ibanez you have been such a good help for me lol i got another question i got a protein skimmer ordered and on the way, but it is my understanding that LR is the filter for a saltwater tank or should you have carbon fliters in place in the sump somewhere?


LR is the main biological filter, it has much room for beneficial bacteria because it is poreous has a large surface area. A protein skimmer is very good because it removes organic waste the tends to build up on the surface and inhibit gas exchange, also removing the organic material removes many unwanted nitrates from your system. Carbon is also beneficial and should be added somewhere, they even make reactors for carbon. Stuff like purigen or phosban, or nitraban can be beneficial although I have not tried them as of yet. I just use a skimmer and carbon right now.


ok i did a freshwater test of my system today and all was well except i should have filled the sump chambers up differently and ended up having to re silicone the different chambers down there but i am good on the floe and pump and everything like that now......but
i am still a little confused of the cured/uncured process and live/base rock concept but i did do a lot of online reading let me know if i am understanding right please.
i have enough play sand to make a thick 2-3 inch sand bottom, i also have 40# of live sand i bought from the LFS and have ordered some rubble rock said to be cured and just 10 # of premium live fuji rock.
now when i do this first cycle all i have to do is mix the saltwater, add the playsand, put the live sand on top of that, then throw some live sand and rubble rock in the refugium. and place my fuji rock in the DT.
and after the tank cycles life will begin to grow on the rocks and i can then add my cleanup crew correct?


what are you going to want to keep in your tank. 10 lbs of live rock does not seem enough if you want --- to act as your main filter. 1-2 lbs per gallon seems to be the norm. i have been following up on your thread but i dont know anything about sumps. if you get cured lr you will still have a fair amount of die off so it will probably still spike the tank. good luck look foward to the finished product.


hey raymond thx ya i think it is gonna be a full reef tank. i have made a fish list that is all reef safe with all peaceful fish let me put the list on here i guess and see if i have made an mistakes.
this is not the order i want to put them in BTW
1. Royal Gramma
2. Pajama Cardinal
3. Ocellaris Clown
4. Javanese Damsel
5. Royal Dottyback
6. Firefish Goby
7. Jewel Damsel
8. Mandarin Dragonet
9. Blue Hippo Tang
10. Humu Humu or Niger Trigger (probably the boss of the tank)
11. Sixline Wrasse
12. Coral Beauty
13. Blue Chromis as a small school
(MAYBE a small lionfish)
then my clean crew
14. Peppermint Shrimp
15. Hermits
16. Cleaner Shrimp
17. Turbo Snails


just wondering if anyone sees a problem with my fish list, like will any of them fight too much and also should i move this thread ? to reef forum or something?


Well, not that it isn't possible, but the sixline will compete with the mandarine for food, being pods, which don't add a mandarine for a long time. The dottyback and gramma could fight, but may not. Damsel fish can be very aggressive and should be added with care, they are very hard to remove, and should probably be the last add if you add at all. They stress out the other fish. I don't really know anything about triggers but have heard some pick on coral or clams, I don't know this for sure, I just seem to remember that and don't have time to look it up at the moment. Most lion fish don't stay very small, so you would need a dwarf which will still eat anything it can put in its mouth. Hopefully someone will either agree with me or set me straight cause right now I am just shooting from the hip with some of the species.


so i decided that instead of mixing my own saltwater i am going to the LFS and gonna buy 100g of his RO saltwater. i think this is a smart choice heh.


Old and Busted =

New Hotness =


been busy with the tank got my pump in and adjusting my flow.
also put my LS and LR in and 95 gallons of water it is just starting to clear up now. here are the pics i got right now.
keep in mind this is not the placement of the rocks i was just getting them in there bought them from the LFS for $3.95 a LB
