New 125


Active Member
good job dude, u got me worried when u said cocktail shrimp, i thought u were talkin about the ones u get in a giant circle with the sauce in the middle


Active Member
whats you SG in the 125 at right now? and whats it at in the 90? I would not empty the 90 untill you have the salt on hand to match the water up. If you try to use the water from the 90 to add to the 125 with a lower SG it will only lower it fruther as you'll be thinning the salt content out . be patient and wait till the morning and get some more salt. you'll save some headaches.


Active Member
Ok not to contradict puffer but if your adding water into a tank that has sand in it. plus mix in salt it will be cloudy. Due to the salt disolving and the sand being kicked up. if the sand is used it will be even more cloudy since you'll be releasing "atuff " that been traped in the sand.
Be pateient it will pay off.


Active Member
If your SG is off from one tank to the other then you will most likely cause your fish distress if you try to move them over. even small SG changes will effect your fish if not given a proper length of time to aclimate. it takes hours if not days to aclimate over large gaps in SG.