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thats too big of a jump . it will cause problems. The reason that people incorperate auto top off's is to keep the SG from fluctuating. even topping off every other day shifts the SG and is not good for the livestock.
Puffer : what? just your two cents?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
oh mitzel how do u like my panther

Its nice but belive me it will get bigger.


Active Member
from the pics it looks like its close to a foot . SO maybe another 4 or 5 if you take good care of it.


Active Member
Puffer you know how I see it . Big fish need BIG tanks .
Now lets get back to this SG problem benztech


Active Member
Well ladies I have to get up for work in three hours. Benztech just hang tight and wait for the morning you'll thank yourself.