new 180 in the works


Very nice, just got the exact tank and megaflow kits. Do you have your plumbing figured out yet? Is it gonna be a reef?


Active Member
yeah it will be a reef. I have a 72 gallon that I am moving into it. then the 72 will be a fish only. As far as the plubing goes it looks pretty easy except for the fact that it came with bulkheads that use hose instead of pvc. Have to figure something out on that...


Lol, that has me kinda confused as well but apparently its better :notsure:
You gonna have a sump/fuge? what size?


Active Member
55 gallon fuge with a coralife ss220 skimmer. mag 18 return and a 24 watt UV sterilizer. I am hoping to get it all going in a week or so, if all goes well. It took four people to put it in the wall opening cause it is 42 inches off of the floor. good viewing height, I think


Active Member
thanks....I have been taking pics at different steps so I can view progress . I ordered some adapters for the flex tubing that will go back to pvc. I think it will be easier to work with than flex hose.


Active Member
tentative fish list
3 yellow tangs
powder blue tang
sail fin tang
coral beauty angel
flame angel
spotted mandarin
3-5 blue reef chromis
fairy wrasse
3 cleaner gobies
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 peterson cleaner shrimp
a boatload of assorted snails (lol)
also a boatload of assorted hermits


I would say be careful with the pick of hermits....Lately including myself seem to be getting hermits considered to be blue legs and I call them killers... Unless you plan to throw in empty shells to ease them from killing off the snail population I say stick soley to snails..and maybe add an emerald crab or 2 into the list....I got 4 in my 46 bow and have had zilch of problems... Good luck and great tank!!!


hey man im starting a 180 in a few mothes im wondering what they demensions are on that and how much u paid if u dont mind saying


Is that a all glass? I just priced one out today & its $1600+tax just wondering what you paid for yours? If you dont mind....


Active Member
I paid $650 for the tank with the overflow kits and the lids. built the stand for about 150 including the plumbing and paint. It is an all glass with dual megaflows.
the dimensions are 72x24x24