New 2 clams

Just bought this clam off of the SW sale. Have never done clams so I thought Id give it a chance. My tanks 90 gln and a year and a half old. I temp acclimated it and put it in. It is opening and closing but thats it. Not real reactive either. Is this normal for awhile? Hes been in for 3 days.


What type of lighting do you have? It should stay open, and its mantle should come out over the shell some


Active Member
from the pic, it is not normal for the clam to not extend its mantle. it doesnt look heathy for a squamosa.


Active Member
I'm also curious on your lighting -- if you don't have the lighting for clams they won't make it long.
Its still hanging on. I noticed last night it was open a little and a small appendage kept poking out until a curious crab would get close and then it would pull back in. It still opens a half inch or so during the day and then closes at night. I have a current light with actinic and MH light that is about a year and a half old that I just got replacements for today. The MH is 14000K and 250 watt.


Active Member
It doesn't look to good; neither do the empty snail shells that are laying around it. Tridacna Squamosa does not need much light really at all. I have kept several hundred under 200 watts of PC lighting for years. Doesn't mean I recommend it, the more lighting is usually better for clams.
Ya the snails came with the same shipment from SWF. Only half of em survived....but as you can see my clean up crew is top notch. The clam is still with us. Opens...closes. ??????? All my water tests are nominal. Just have to wait n see.


Originally Posted by scubamatt007
Ya the snails came with the same shipment from SWF. Only half of em survived....but as you can see my clean up crew is top notch. The clam is still with us. Opens...closes. ??????? All my water tests are nominal. Just have to wait n see.
Do you have a current picture??


Active Member
Thanks Spank,
I got tied up in breeding fish and it was taking FOREVER. I was going after Blue-Spot Jawfish and Zebra Tangs.


Active Member
Cooll beans. Having any luck with them?
Sorry scubajack, just a quick hijack here and than back to your clam.
No worries. I appreciate all the help. The clam is actually doing much better. The mantle is finally coming out of the shell and its reacting well to both light and the fish that pass by. Ill post some pics later. Again thanks for the help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Cooll beans. Having any luck with them?
Sorry scubajack, just a quick hijack here and than back to your clam.
Yeah, I had luck with both of them. Both of them bred; but the tank for the tangs was NOT fun getting constructed - it's around 18 feet tall and about 6 feet wide.