New 20 gal long w/ pics



very nice tank, it looks very clean. lol. i love how all your sand is white and theres no algae whatsoever. cool tank. i also am a big fan of your clam.


thanks he's quite a character its tuff to choose a fish since I gotta make shure this guy wont make it lunch.


DE- thanks hes quite a character BTW grats on the new tank rock looks awesome!
Bobby- yeah these guys are awesome just be careful when it comes to choosing fish believe me lol also remember that you wont be seeing him much so you gotta be patient about getting a good look at him. Or what you can do is make your tank a little more open as far as the rockwork.
Nemo- thanks the sand stays pretty clean and I havent cleaned my tank glass off for about 2 weeks its litteraly covered in copepods so I'm just letting it be. and the clam is great I deff suggest one, also check out how nice DEmartini's crocea is.
I'm still thinking about what fish I wanna add ATM I really want a possum wrasse but honestly I just wanna put something very nice so I'm gonna take my time so I can get a great looking fish. Also I know I said that I would post some new pics but I've been really bussy, I service tanks for my LFS costumers so hopefully I'll get some closeups tomorrow.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
here's my 20 long. upgrading to 65 but you get the idea. very nic,e i only had PC's on mine though

wow very nice! love the rockwork and coral placement makes it look authentic. I see you have a Blue tang how is it doing looks small compared to the clowns in their lol very cool tho. when you change to your 65 are you gonna go with MH?


Active Member
yeah i just got the 65 today. Its deep and onyl 36" long so i have to do mh's. I think i'm gonna do the sunpod 2x150 w w/ like a 897589375bazillion moonlights, so i'm excited. Plus i'm gonna do SPS so its neccesary. but yeah i just had a HOB filter on this tank for about year. did great


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
yeah i just got the 65 today. Its deep and onyl 36" long so i have to do mh's. I think i'm gonna do the sunpod 2x150 w w/ like a 897589375bazillion moonlights, so i'm excited. Plus i'm gonna do SPS so its neccesary. but yeah i just had a HOB filter on this tank for about year. did great
Great! when does the project begin? also we have a tank at my work that we setup for som client that bought the sunpod's IMO very very nice lighting sys very well put together im shure you will have fun with those.


Active Member
Yeha i'm hoping so. I just got the 65 yesterday!! :D
got everything for it, the kit, all glass sump, and a UV, with nautilus skimmer. It's going to be bada$$!!! I'm way stoked. It'll be the first time i've done a tank of my own with MH too, and i'm gonna do SPS and everything, so I think its gonna be really awesome. The switch is going to happen on saturday. I'll post pics


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Yeha i'm hoping so. I just got the 65 yesterday!! :D
got everything for it, the kit, all glass sump, and a UV, with nautilus skimmer. It's going to be bada$$!!! I'm way stoked. It'll be the first time i've done a tank of my own with MH too, and i'm gonna do SPS and everything, so I think its gonna be really awesome. The switch is going to happen on saturday. I'll post pics
wow cool I wish I had the room right now to do a bigger tank! also are you gonna pick up a calc reactor? or are you gonna dose kelk?


Active Member
nah not yet i dont really see why they're too neccesary, i'm gonna try red sea reef salt and i can never seem to keep my CA below like 520...nomatter what i do. lol


zano, i just picked up a blue tang for my 20 gallon today to complete my fish list. hes about an inch long, same size as my clown and sixline. he seems to be doing great, and eating alot of algae which i have tons of!! but how big is your tang? my LFS said ill be able to keep him in ther for 1-2 years before i have to trade him in.


Originally Posted by Kiddie LaLa
Warrior where do you live in California? and where do you work?
I live in 91351 so cal and work at valencia pet, if you can catch me at the shop I'm usually their m,t,w,f,sa on mondays we get our shipment in, the store owner cherry pics practically everything we get, but let me warn you we are a little bit on the expensive side because we are a small shop and because well if you see the area that the shop is in you'll understand lol if you come and visit i'll send you the directions to the store.