New 3 Gallon Reef tank


Active Member
Have you done anytesting yet on the tank??
If you don't have a test kit then take some water to a reputable lfs and get the testing done first before adding anything.


yes i did testing , looks like iam just waiting for ammonia to drop..its at 0.25...did a one cup water change today ...gonna do some more testing tonight...


Hey gang,
This is a great thread. My son has been bugging me for the last three years to have a saltwater set up. He likes to be like dear ol' Dad. So for his birthday I bought him a 2 gallon kit. It is amazing what they can put into small packages these days.
After reading this thread I can put together a "to-do" list to help him along. I hope you guys post some more pics of your ultra nano systems. They are very inspirational! I was thinking of starting a new thread on his progress, starting from "out of the box." It will be interesting to see how a 10 year old handles the responsibility.
Best wishes,


Active Member
nice tank all you guys. well finally after waiting like 2 months i believe i started to add corals and i tiny clown goby. so far things been good. but im waiting to receive my frags i got from my friend. but im thinking now of buying a 20g M-Tank by Finnex USA - Nano-Reef (Refugium) Edition. do you guys think it good to buy it?


Hey Nissan...I think that you are doing a good job, so just keep up the good work. You also have patience, which is something that I need more of in this hobby...because in reality I broke all the rules when I setup my nano so sometimes I still wait for something to happen with my nano
. So I have some things to learn from you.


Active Member
Thanks genius. but dont wrry the way things are going for your tank things will get better. dont wait just relax and dont buy anything for a 2 months. ive gone through 5 months without buying something and it killed me but it was for the tanks good. but i wont lie i was like you before lol. i used to but things like every 2 weeks and that will sometimes be verybad. no im taking things slow. like for example in my 75 gallon reef tank i really dont have that much corals and fish. and that tank has been set up for i believe 3 years now. i really dont remember. now my little nano is been 2 months for cycling and just recently like i said before i got my first few frags. and my first tiny clown goby. everything so far is good and hopefully it stays that way. but right now im looking to buy a 20 gallon finnex nano reef tank. you really inspire me to get one. looking at your tank got me into getting another one. well i hope things get better for you. and i will post pics of my 75 and 3 gallon tanks ltr.


Active Member
i have a tiny sixline wrasse in there for now cause my friend had to take down his tank. but dont worry hes going. lol also any suggestions are wellcome.



Active Member
Hey love that orange ric....

Is that black sand??
I have read that black sand tends to reflect the light therefor not giving a nice appearance to the rock and corals.
Don't know if thats true or not as I have the white sand.
Great so far...


Active Member
yea it is black sand. and thanks.
but i think it looks great. like for me the corals stand out more and the clown goby you can see it to. but i still wanna put a little more lr and a few corals. what do you think?


Active Member
i know this is nothing to do with nano. my two tangs that died from my 75 reef that crash. thank god 1 is still alive.



Active Member
better pic
i know its bad to keep a sixline wrasse in there. but its been doing very well. its been eating when i feed it. and swims happy and it has never gone to the top of the water like to jump out. so i was wondering if i can keep it in there? i dont plan to but if he lets me keep it than yea.