New 36 gallon bow front.


Well-Known Member
I use reef crystals. I buy the 200 gal box from fosters and smith or amazon for $50. Which ever one gives me the better price and free shipping.


Well-Known Member
Instant ocean is really popular. I like and use red sea salt. Not familiar with natures ocean


Well-Known Member
I don't know that they are better. I have always used reef crystals mostly because I can get a decent price on them. They are made by instant ocean. I've never used natures ocean. I think that is the premade salt water they use on Tanked. If that is it , it will be pretty spendy. I like the control of making my own salt water.
Yes the natures ocean is the stuff on tanked. But I actually meant the instant ocean. Just couldn't think of the name at that point. Outside of price is that really the only difference between instant ocean salt and reef crystals? Or is there more? I was planning on making my own salt water again like you said it's the control thing. How easy is it to do this? Better in buckets or since it would be a new tank can I mix in tank for the first time?


Well-Known Member
Reef crystals are made by instant ocean. With just a fowlr tank regular instant ocean is fine. If you decide in the future to add coral you can switch over. The big difference is the amount of calcium magnesium and alkalinity in the salt mix.
In which I'm going to assume that coral needs to propagate and thrive? Sorry for asking so many questions just trying to learn as much as I can. Before getting this book.


Active Member
The book you mentioned above will be the best $$ you spend, mine is on loan right now.... helping out a friend. I have a 55gal FOWLR been up and running now for 7 months Patience is key in this hobby..


Well-Known Member
I use red sea. It just seems cleaner to me. After its mixed i don't get the residue i would with instant. That said my fish did fine with instant. Nems need high end lights. If its something you really want, look into kessil leds. There not cheap but very good


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Honestly the clowns are damsels. You also run the risk of adding disease to the tank


Active Member
I use instant ocean salt in time when livestock requires will change to better salt like Red Sea. Lighting I have a Current orbit marine good for FOWLR but not good for most corals. Have a SCA-301 skimmer in the sump as said above not necessary but I wanted one. The book will explain the cycling process and give you options on how to accomplish it. You will soon find out there are more than one way of doing things, I like to keep it simple until I have more experience