New 36 gallon bow front.


Well-Known Member
Something like this. You just run an airline hooked up to an air pump into it and that causes flow through the sponge. Great for bio filtration.

I ask about what is included because for salt water we typically don't use the same thing that would be included in a kit. closed hoods it inhibits oxygen getting into the water so we don't often use them. Egg crate (light diffuser) or screen tops are pretty common to prevent jumpers from escaping.
The lighting in a typical aquarium kit isn't what you'd want for salt water. It wouldn't hurt for fish only but tends to look bad, kind of yellow. That is where I started and ended up buying new stuff that cost more in the long run.
If a stand is included that may make a difference in price that makes the kit worth it. Otherwise it may be more economical to purchase the 40 at the dollar a gallon sale and buy a LED light fixture separately. SB reef lights has fixtures that aren't too pricy (I've heard good things about them) but give you control of the color of the lights. Just something to consider.

A lot of us build our own stands. For me the typical stand is too low to view comfortably and there isn't enough clearance in the cabinet for equipment inside a sump. There are plans on some of the bigger forums for DIY stands. They are very sturdy and economical.
Well either way I have to get the new led lights anyway. But it comes with the heater and a bigger filter for when I run the QT tank. Since it's only going to be used periodically again one fish at a time it would be easier to assemble and disassemble. But again it comes with the heater also. Which is a plus. I was planning on building my own stand anyway. Going to be easier and a lot more sturdy with a two year old running around the house lol. Now I have something very important to ask. Drilling your tank. How easy is that to do? I've seen some sites that offer the bit and a template to where the hole should be for and overflow. Which I was hoping to do because it would be easier and a lot simpler. Now you said egg crates and screens. Now the screen would easier for me cause it would honestly make more sense. Now the screening is that the same screen as the reptile enclosures?


Well-Known Member
Inside the tube you put an airline tube connected to the pump and an air stone. Then yes just put it in the tank. That is then your QT filter. You won't need any other filtration. Every week or so you just rinse it in salt water and put it back. They are very efficient biological filters. I used to use them when I had discus. I'd clean it with bleach when I move the fish out of QT and use another that is already sitting in the sump waiting. Once the sponge is 100%dry the bleach will be gone and you can put that one back in the sump to be recolonized for next time. If you have to use copper I'd throw the sponge away so no copper gets into the tank.

From the kit the only thing you really need is the heater. Those are easy to find. I like the ones that are not glass.

BRS sells kits for screen tops. It is a clear mesh I think it comes in 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch. Because it is clear it doesn't obstruct light. I know BRS has a video on making them. They also have one on drilling tanks, in the 52 weeks of reefing series, it is one of the early episodes. I've never drilled a tank.


Well-Known Member
So related to this thread. I have 3 fish in my qt. Have for about 6 weeks or so now. Idk how you use a magnifying glass lol they don't hold still long enough for me to use my eyes!!!


Well-Known Member
Either will work. In my opinion that is the best option if you don't want to keep a cycled QT going all the time.
So related to this thread. I have 3 fish in my qt. Have for about 6 weeks or so now. Idk how you use a magnifying glass lol they don't hold still long enough for me to use my eyes!!!
If they've been in QT for 6 weeks are eating well and don't appear to be sick they should be fine to move. If there was a problem it would have shown up by now.
So I keep the sponge in the refugium all the time until I run my QT. Take it out connect to an air hose through the main hose there? And bam I just leave it be? And it cycles itself? That's nuts lol


Well-Known Member
Pretty much. You have a mature colony of bacteria on the sponge. You will still need to monitor ammonia and do water changes. QT should be bare bottom with a few pvc fittings for the fish to hide in.


Well-Known Member
Either will work. In my opinion that is the best option if you don't want to keep a cycled QT going all the time.

If they've been in QT for 6 weeks are eating well and don't appear to be sick they should be fine to move. If there was a problem it would have shown up by now.
I know just paranoid lol always iam when adding fish to the big tank. Those are all my oldest fish