New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?


Active Member
the canister puts out return puts out 1200gph most the fish you mentioned are going to get waaay to big.. altogether I have about 1560gph going through my tank...I hate to say this but you fish store duped you just so they could make a sale...


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
the canister puts out return puts out 1200gph most the fish you mentioned are going to get waaay to big.. altogether I have about 1560gph going through my tank...I hate to say this but you fish store duped you just so they could make a sale...
this voyage is doomed...if you want some good advice without being pissy shoot me a pm and I can to help you in private


cant send pms for some reason. email?
and also why would a store dupe me to make a sale of some fish? if i needed a bigger tank, what would that mean? i'd have to buy one. and more water. and more rock. and more supplies. they would make far more money if they told me what you've been telling me, thats for sure.


wpost2, hi i work in a lfs and in my experience of nearly four years of dealing with ppl like you, i find they always come crawling back to me when there test results are sky high there fish are disseased and are just plain old dying, these ppl are the ones that trade there tanks in for a hermit crab setup, because they are very experienced and have friends in the hobby that told them they could, but in the end they wasted time money and lives, i am here to help you in this setup as we all are, and your first move will be to never go to that fish store as the reason they did not tell you to buy a bigger tank and said you can have these fish in there is so that you come back there 6 months from now to buy a bigger setup, that way they get two big sales from you, these are the stores to stay away from as for the fish puffers are known to pick on lionfish, also i have kept a 3oo litre tank running on two cannister filters for 2 years now and it is more work, but it does work with the patients of cleaning it every week so that nitrates dont build up. we are only here to help but if you dont take it then thats up to you.


Active Member
To the OP (wpost2):
It seems that you have taken the advice of your LFS over the advice of people here, when your LFS is the one who will be making money out of this arrangement. If/when your fish die, you'll be back there buying more, meaning even more money.
I don't mean this to sound harsh, because we've all been there, but this site is filled with hobbyists who are passionate about what we do. It costs a lot of money to keep a good tank going, so the first thing that we all have to understand is that we'll be putting a lot into it.
The second thing we need to understand is that everyone sees things differently. Sure, someone might have something that works for them that's against the advice of most people, but it doesn't mean that's going to work for everyone. And we all have listened to our LFS at one time or another, taking advice that seems like it makes sense at the time, or that leads us into purchasing inferior equipment that costs more than what we should
have bought.
The people here are trying to help you, and with that they're/we're trying to help you save money and frustration which often comes from listening to the wrong advice or being too headstrong about what you think you have to have in your tank, no matter what size it is. Please take a step back and think things through before you purchase; please try to understand that most of the posts here are spot on and come from hobbyists that have been in the hobby for a long time, or who have done more research than just at their LFS, after all, having a single source for everything never turns out well... teachers in school don't allow it for papers, do they?
I hope this helps, even though it doesn't really give advice on what to do with your tank; I think enough reputable people here have already done that. Best of luck.


if I were you, I would quit getting so "pissed" and actually appreciate the fact that you finally have advice that is not gonna

you over in the long run.
If you want big fish, you get a big tank. That is how it goes. It's like letting a car dealership sell you a two seater for a family of 8, maybe you shouldn't be so qwuick to just believe poeple who are trying to make money off of you, and if you had googled any of those fish, you should have known what was up. JMO.


this onslaught of "we're here to help" is somewhat redundant. i understand that, and that is why i am still posting, lol. =)
so if we could be more specific in the advice, and avoid flaming me, what are the issues with the following, what do you recommend i take out, or swap with something else:
valentini puffer
fuzzy dwarf lion
flame dwarf angel
nemo clownfish
if it comes to keeping the puffer or the lion, which one is going to be the most trouble in the tank?
my main reason for having a canister filter and the protein skimmer is that i do not have room behind the tank for anything, nor room outside of the tank for any sort of secondary tank to be used as a sump or anything of that ilk. i will be diligent in my canister media upkeep, but i was informed that cleaning it meant to swap out the black charcoal bits, rinse off the sponge and white chalky bits in salt water, and put it back in. is there a more specific regiment of maintenance that i should be doing?
and please, stop telling me i need to do my research. this is part of my research :) and thanks to those who are responding to this with constructive advice and not screaming at me as though i am just buying fish and putting them into a pit of fire or something.
and so you dont have to go back further in the thread, here are my specs:
- 40 gallon tank (36 x 18 footprint)
- 30 pounds live rock
- 1 inch live sand
- Eheim Professional II 2026 Model Canister Filter
- SeaClone 100 Protein Skimmer
- Coralife Double Linear Strip, T-5 Series. 36" 21 watt Colormax full-spectrum T-5 fluorescent lamp, 36" 21 watt 6700K Plant Lamp T5 fluorescent lamp
- Heater & thermometer


Active Member
1. Minimum tank size is minimum all on its own.
2. 20 gallon minimum is a bad suggestion for a Dwarf Angel. I'm sorry to say in this case the advice on this site was wrong. Angels also require a lot of Live rock to graze on.
3. Puffers are fin nippers and often pick on Lions stressing them out and can lead to death. Angels can pick on Lions as well.
4. Lions will eat anything small enough to fit in their mouths(like Clowns.)
5. You're overall problem is not just tank size, but fish compatibility.
If I were you I'd return everything and get a 55 or 75 and keep the Lion, Puffer, and replace the Clown with a Large clown like a Tomato or Maroon Clown(something large enough so as not to be food for the Lion). Keep close watch on the Puffer to make sure they arne't messing with the Lion. And then, if all is still well after a few months add the Dwarf Angel(make sure its a full size Dwarf though or it could be a prob with the Lion). Again, you'll need to pay close atentiontion to make sure neither the Angel or Puffer mess with the Lion. This often will happen when the lights go out so be sure to observe them at these times as well. If you have a 75 you still could add more fish in addition to these. Personally I'd get an Eel.
If you insist on sticking with a 40, then you either need to keep the Lion by itself or get rid of it. You could have just the Angel, Puffer, and Clown though, and down the road another fish like a small Wrasse(some awesome small wrasse out there).
I know if you, like me, started in FW like many folks then a SW tank will almost seem empty by comparison. You'll find your fish to have much more personality though and be much more of a pet and truly happy when not in a cramped environment.


Originally Posted by prime311
If you insist on sticking with a 40, then you either need to keep the Lion by itself or get rid of it. You could have just the Angel, Puffer, and Clown though, and down the road another fish like a small Wrasse(some awesome small wrasse out there).
very good response, thank you so much for all of the specific information. as for the above quote, i have to stick with the 40, as i have no room to go larger.
so, that being said, if i did the puffer, a larger clown (should i get a pair or stick with a single?), and the dwarf angel, could i plop in a golden cleaner wrasse or a mysteri wrasse as well?


Active Member
Avoid the Cleaner Wrasse as removing them from the ocean is bad for the real coral reefs and they have a poor survival rate anyway. Purchasing them only encourages their removal. Cleaner Shrimp are cooler anyway(altho also make a possible meal for Puffers). Mystery Wrasse should be fine. You can do a single or pair of Clowns, if you do a pair Id encourage you to get a mated pair, preferably captive bred.


excuse my ignorance, but what is a mated pair?
also, at this point i think my biggest issue is my skimmer. i have a seaclone 100 which is entirely too loud for my taste, and ive read a million reviews about others and they all seem to have one guy saying ABC Skimmer is great and another saying it's loud. i have ~$250 to spend on this, it needs to be HOB and QUIET.


Active Member
aqua c remora..ditch the canister filter get a HOB fuge. u can get one cheap, get some powerheads. thats all you need for filtration


arent those huge? and anyway at this point id be surprised if i could return this canister. is this thing that bad that i really would need to return it?


Active Member
I dunno about skimmers, I have a MR-1 and I think its quiet, but its also enclosed in my stand. Might want to try the equipment forum here or over at reef central. A mated pair is 2 clowns sold together that are already mated(like married). Clowns can change ---, so if you don't have 2 that are mated they might become mated or they might just fight.