New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?


Originally Posted by wpost2
no room for a fuge, thats why i have the canister. :)
You only need alittle over 6in from the wall for a hang on fuge...I just wanted to chime in on why the canister is more trouble then it's worth you have to change media every two weeks and with the a mount of lr you have that two weeks will be a must. I know you have gone through alot from the start of this thread but from someone who came to this site knowing nothing and after being sold some ocean front property in Arizona from my LFS...My tanks are doing well because I listen to the answers too the question I was asking. I know you said you don't have the fish yet, but just wait until your tank is ready if they have the fish this week, bet you a dollar to a donut they will be there the next week. I'm not going to tell you what will work in YOUR tank and what won't. I can tell you this if you put some of this stuff you hear on this site to practice you just might learn something...That's just my 2 pennies worth.


i have half an inch behind my tank, i have no room for a fuge i say! =P as for your live rock comment, i can most certainly put some more in, if that would help the situation? maybe another 10 lbs?
and im not buying fish anytime soon dont worry bout that. may wait till after new years, because im going to be in louisiana for 2 weeks during christmas and im not sure i can leave my fish alone for that long, but i havent thought that part through as of yet.


i highly doubt i can return my canister at this point (been running almost 2 wks now), so i'd really rather not go down that path unless it is absolutely necessary.


Active Member
what id do is keep what u have for now, and say in 4-5 months, look into buying a HOB sump/fuge that u can hang ont he side of the tank :p that way you get some use outta the canister, and then just upgrade to the sump/fuge :p
I'm going to chime in here also, because I am constantly learning just as you are.
I don't understand why so many people are saying bad things about the canister filter. So what that it requires changing media every 2 weeks? As much time as I spend on my tank that is not a problem at all. I actually enjoy doing that stuff.


Active Member
i think the biggest thing is, from what i can gather, is that the sump/fuge actually does a better filtration job of cleaning ur water than the canister filter does, at least thats what i can gather from the research ive done
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i think the biggest thing is, from what i can gather, is that the sump/fuge actually does a better filtration job of cleaning ur water than the canister filter does, at least thats what i can gather from the research ive done
But a sump/fuge is not a possiblity for everyone (I know it isn't for me) so there is no point in people constantly dogging the canister when it is the only option one might have. Agree?


Active Member
agreed lol but, hey, u know what they say about the mule an the wall LOL but, i guess the best thing to do is use what u can for now, just make sure to stay on top of everything, then, when u have the space, upgrade :p


Active Member
he's only got a half inch of space though premi, thats the problem with the fuge, i say stick with the canister filter for a few months, then upgrade, especially if they wont take the daggum thing back, now if they'd take it back, then u might wanna start lookin at a hob fuge that u can fit on the side :p


Active Member
i will see what i can find, the one i did find earlier i was told was a piece of junk, so ill see what all i can find and post a pic