Hi, all just wanted to post some pictures of my new 40g breeder tank and give some info...ask a couple questions and get some input I just upgraded from my 30g Nanocube .. I used all the live rock,water and about two cups of my live sand and replaced the rest of it with new sand all corals came from the cube as well. as far as filtration I'm running a reef octopus BH-2000 and a AquaFuge2 Large 25.5" with some algae in the back its an extra 5g of water, as far as flow I have 2, koralia nano 425 and a 750 on a smart wave controller. And for lighting I'm running a Reef Brite Halide Hybrid 250w and 2 led acinic strips suspended about 12" off the water.. I make my own water using a RO/DI unit and I use tropic marine pro-reef salt mix. at a 36ppm tank stays between 79-80.5f all my levels seem to be great calcium 450-500 PH 8.2 nitrate reads 0 nitrite 0 and my phos is not detectable however i seem to be dealing with a lot of cyno issues I suspect is the reason i am not seeing any detectable levels i do run carbon and Purigen. the algae seems to just be on the sand bed its kind of a stringy brown mat... not sure if this is a little cycle or what the tank has been up for around a month and it just started a few days ago i did a 20% water change and siphon it all out but it was back a day later i do weekly water changes of 15-20g. i don't feel like i over feed i rinse my frozen food and typically feed ever other day and i use marine snow 2-3 times a week. any help with this issue would be appreciated. let me know what you guys thing and if you need any other info..
2- clowns
1- flame hawk fish
1- banggai cardinal fish
various snails about 10-20 and 4 hermits

2- clowns
1- flame hawk fish
1- banggai cardinal fish
various snails about 10-20 and 4 hermits