NEW 55 Gallon Reef Stock List

extinct 1ne

~ = Already In The Tank
* = Getting More Soon
1x Tomato Clownfish ~
1x Yellow Tang ~
1x Red Firefish
1x Benggai Cardinalfish
1x Green Mandarin Dragonet
1x Red & White Condylactus Anemone ~
1x Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
1x Green Brittle Starfish ~
1x Little Bear Conch
5x Turbo Snail
5x Tonga Nassarius Snail
5x Ninja Star Astraea

1x Pumping Xenia ~
1x Kenya Tree
1x Green Florida Ricordea
1x Assorted Mushrooms ~
1x Yellow Polyps
1x Zombie Eye Zoanthids
1x Crown Leather
1x Yellow Fiji Leather

30 Lbs. Premium Live Rock (Branchy Style) ~
12 Lbs. Fiji Standard Live Rock ~ *
60 Lbs. Live Sand ~
Good, Bad, Ok?
- 1x Purple Pseudochromis
+ 1x Benggai Cardinalfish
+ 1x Little Bear Conch


Originally Posted by Extinct 1ne
1x Tomato Clownfish ~ Might become territorial once established, even attacking you when you clean the tank.
1x Yellow Tang ~
1x Red Firefish
1x Strawberry Pseudochromis Unlikely to go well with firefish/mandarin. Orchid dottyback has a similar color and is quite less pugnatious.
1x Green Mandarin Dragonet Only add once the tank is established, meaning after ~6 months.

Originally Posted by Extinct 1ne
1x Red & White Condylactus Anemone ~ Add Early, will travel around the tank till its happy. Also it is unlikely the Tomato Clown will host in a Condy. Condys come from the Carribean/Atlantic while Clownfish come from the Pacific, so the Condy is not aware of clownfish and more often than not tries to eat them.
1x Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
1x Green Brittle Starfish ~ There is a reason they are called the 'Green Death'. When they get larger they sneak up on fish at night while they sleep (such as the firefish goby) and ambush them.
1x Conch
1x Turbo Snail ~
1x Astraea Snail
1x Nassarius Snail
1x Nerite Snail
1x Cerith Snail
1x Margarita Snail
1x Trochus Snail
1x Top Crown Snail
1x Turban Snail The reason I turned all the snails orange, is just add a few flavors. No reason to go all out. Most do the exact same job (the nassarius is the one who really stands out) 15 Astreas, 5 Turbos, 10 Nassarius would work well. If you do not plan on adding hermits, you could add Cerith snails too.

Originally Posted by Extinct 1ne


1x Assorted Mushrooms ~
1x Pumping Xenia ~
1x Marshall Flame Skirt Zoanthids
1x Yellow Polyps
1x Green Florida Ricordea
1x Yellow Fiji Leather
1x Montipora Doesn't fit well with your other coral selection, what kind of light? Just seemed odd to have stonies in here with easy/low light softies. You can probably get away with the monti under PCs, however it will likely turn a bit brown.
1x Acropora See above, only you will definetly need Halides.
1x Kenya Tree Looks cool, but sucks. If its happy it grows like crazy and becomes a real pain in the ass. A mother colony throws off daughter colonies that pop up everywhere throughout the tank.

Originally Posted by Extinct 1ne
Good, Bad, With Caution
I made a distinction with your key there at the bottem.

extinct 1ne

NanoMantis -
Strawberry Dottyback - Not okay?
Green Mandarin Dragonet - I know.
R&W Condy Anemone - I know. He goes to weird places, sometimes I can't even see him he hides so well...
Brittle Star - Should I stay away from the Firefish & other small fish, or sell him?
Snails - Didn't really understand?
Montipora / Acropora - Forget about them?
Thank you very much.


Active Member
Basically what nano mantis is saying is you don't need all of the different species of snails you listed, most of what you have listed do the same function the 15 Astreas, 5 Turbos, 10 Nassarius that he recommended would be a good mix. I would stay away from the Top Crown snail, they are a cool water species and don't survive well in our tropical reef tanks plus they get very large.
I have had good luck with my Green Brittle, so its up to you whether you keep it or not, just keep it in the back of your mind that they can prey on fish.
I think I would skip the mandarin all together in a 55g especially if you aren't planning on having a sump with a fuge.
The strawberry psuedochromis might prey on your shrimp.
You can do softies and SPS you just need to make sure that you have adequate lighting and flow (at least 40x turnover) for the SPS so you will need a good quality individually reflected T5 setup or MH's.

extinct 1ne

natclanwy - I'm probably not going to do SPS. What would be good lighting for a Softy reef? But I want the different types of snails? (thanks for the info on the Top Crown, I'll stay away from him, I'm one of those people who doesn't like to see 2 clowns, 1 tang, 3 chromis, etc...I like 1 of each species.) My Green Brittle Star hides in my Branchy Live Rock and hardly ever comes out...
. Really, the Pseudochromis will prey on cleaner shrimp?


Active Member
I just recently found this info on psuedochromis, I have been trying to figure out why I cannot keep shrimp in my DT for over a year. I finally found that most psuedochromis prey on shrimp in fact the fridmani that I have is supposed to prey on mantis shrimp.
I see you changed your list of snails, you can do a few of each but make sure that you get a half dozen to dozen nassarius snails as they are the only ones that will maintain your sandbed. I also would stay away from conches, they are too large for a 55g.
Light for softies can either be PC's or a 4- bulb T5 fixture, but if there is even a remote possibility that you want to keep SPS in the future I would upgrade your lighting now rather than buy a fixture now and in another year or so buy another one so that you can keep more corals.

extinct 1ne

natclanwy - Well, I guess I won't get one, or I'll just get the Orchid Dottyback

I will probably get
5x Turbo Snail
5x Tonga Nassarius Snail
5x Ninja Star Astraea Snail
I will probably get PC's, because in the future I want to have a 100+ gallon aquarium, thus I will buy the wrong size right now anyways.
Thank You


If you want a conch, you can get a little bear conch from this site....they do not get as big as the fighting conch does....I have one in my 29g, 2 in my 54g and 5 in my 225g

extinct 1ne

meowzer - Yeah, I thought there was a smaller Conch, but I forgot it's name. Thank You

P.S. - Does the Little Bear Conch do a good job?

extinct 1ne

Halamaya - Ya I know, but I'm willing to take the far he hasn't tried to attack anything
. Like I said before, he doesn't really come out much unless he smells food, lol.

extinct 1ne

~ = Already In The Tank
* = Getting More Soon
1x Tomato Clownfish ~
1x Yellow Tang ~
1x Red Firefish
1x Green Mandarin Dragonet
1x Red & White Condylactus Anemone ~
1x Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
1x Green Brittle Starfish ~
1x Little Bear Conch
5x Turbo Snail
5x Tonga Nassarius Snail
5x Ninja Star Astraea

1x Pumping Xenia ~
1x Kenya Tree
1x Green Florida Ricordea
1x Assorted Mushrooms ~
1x Yellow Polyps
1x Zombie Eye Zoanthids
1x Crown Leather
1x Yellow Fiji Leather

30 Lbs. Premium Live Rock (Branchy Style) ~
12 Lbs. Fiji Standard Live Rock ~ *
60 Lbs. Live Sand ~
Good, Bad, Ok?
- 1x Purple Pseudochromis
+ 1x Little Bear Conch


Active Member

Originally Posted by Extinct 1ne
- Well, I guess I won't get one, or I'll just get the Orchid Dottyback

I will probably get
5x Turbo Snail
5x Tonga Nassarius Snail
5x Ninja Star Astraea Snail
I will probably get PC's, because in the future I want to have a 100+ gallon aquarium, thus I will buy the wrong size right now anyways.
Thank You

I hadn't heard of the Orchid Dottyback so I looked it up and found that it is a Fridmani Pseudochromis, which is the one that supposedly preys on mantis shrimp.
Snail selection looks good
Depending on the tank dimensions your lights could transfer, I have a 55g as well and I purchased oversized equipment when I set it up so that if I ever upgraded to a larger tank I wouldn't have to upgrade my equipment as well and so long as I stay with a 4' long tank my lights will work on the new tank. You can get up to a 120g tank and still stay in the 4' long range.