New 58g Reef Pics - Comments Welcome / Some Questions


Well after spending an all expenses paid trip to Afghanistan for the last year I finally was able to upgrade my fish only / live rock tank to what I've always wanted, a reef setup. I basically upgraded my 29g live rock tank to a 58g reef.
Here's what I got:
58g Oceanic Reef Tank
20g Sump
Vertex IN-80 Skimmer
950gph Pump
Auto Top Off Unit
2x150 MH Lights w/ Moonglow LED's
I went for a 3" deep sand bed with live sand and move my 25lbs of live rock over (looks bare I know). I plan on buying another 20-25lbs of live rock over the next couple of weeks. I still haven't decided exactly what corals to get but it will probably be a mix of some zoo's & maybe a leather to start. For fish I'm planning on getting a pair of clowns and then go from there.
Mainly I was wondeirng what everyone thought and if they have any advice for starting a reef tank, especially since it's a big step afte only having fish / live rock. A couple questions I have are when does the protien skimmer "settle", it's in the full open position and about 6" submerged (my water level is a little low at the moment to accomidate this). It's just blowing out bubbles and overflowing right now. Also I'm figuring about 8hrs for the lights per day, should I keep it 8hr straight or break it up over a couple of on/off periods throughout the day. When the MH are off should I keep the moonglow on the rest of the time?



Nice tank.....You may want some more LR, and you really don't need to tun the lights and stuff while you are doing your cycle...


Active Member
I would double the amount of LR. Just a heads up: xenia are a really cool looking coral, but don't get any if you don't want to be over-run with it. A little esoteric, I know, but it seems like a great starter coral and then it takes over the whole tank.


Yeah plan on doubling the LR, the lights I didn't know could be off for cycling, think I'll do that. Since the LR and about 1/2 the water came from an established tank I'm hoping the cycling process will be a little quicker.
Also any advice on the overflowing skimmer? It's been running about 30hrs now and still doing the same thing.


It usually takes skimmers a couple of weeks to break in....and you probably don;t have much to skim yet either.......I didn't run my skimemr right away it's up to you if you run it now or can let it run for break in though if you choose


Active Member
Nice stuff. Thanx for you service in Afghanistan.
Turn the protein skimmer down, if it is overflowing you have it turned up too high. The bubbles should be going about to the bottom of the cup, not up into the neck of the cup. Then as proteins are available they bubbles will climb up the neck and overflow into the cup.
8 hour schedule is goo for the lighting but not necessary for the cycle. You could run them about 4 hours per day to help with the coralline. The moonlights are an aesthetic thing and running them is strictly up to you and how you want to see the tank.
Be aware that depending on the quality of the rock you add you run the risk of an additional ammonia spike. IMO I would add this additional rock as soon as you can get it.
Welcome to


Just added 20lbs of rock, still need a little more for the sides. The skimmer is on the lowest setting and still bubbling over. I've added a small side of the tank filter with some carbon to try and help settle it down as recommended by my LFS, they said it could take up to a couple weeks.
looks better getting there!!!!!

looks like you have the same lighting setup as me !! i love the sunpod mh!!!
can't wait to see when you add some coral