New 75 gallon FOWLR



Hey everyone, I'm new to posting, but I've been cruising around the forums for awhile now. I've read some really helpful tips, but anyway I thought I'd share my tank's progress and keep the post updated with pictures and what not as new things happen. I got it setup on Friday, and this morning most of the sand had settled but it's still a little cloudy, after redoing the rock like 5 times I think I finally like it where it is. The tank isn't drilled so I'm using a CPR overflow, and this is where my first question comes in, I've got a vacuum pump that started the siphon, but it still won't get all the bubbles out of the area that hangs right onto the tank. I guess it really doesn't matter, but I think it might eventually stop the siphon. I've got 2 hydor korilia 1050 powerheads, and the Coralife T5 High output lights. 80 lbs of live sand, and 80 lbs of live rock.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site!
I have the lifter pump that came with the CPR overflow...did you get that pump, or are you using another type? I really like the way you did your rocks...did you remember to put them on the bottom and the sand after? You can't build on shifting sand, it will cause a rock slide and could crush critters or break the tank.
Take the top off...SW tanks need the top open.


Looks like you are off to a good start, do you have reliable test kits? Have you read about the initial cycle period and all that?
Do you have a picture of your sump set up? I LIKE THE ROCK!!!


Flower- Yes it's the pump that came with the overflow box, and yes they are buried underneath the sand , the reason the sand is piled up is the first night the crappy suction cup powerhead fell off(My other Hydor powerhead is in another tank and I've sold it so as soon as this tank cycles the people who bought my other tank and coming to get it and that powerhead will replace the crappy suction cup one) and I came in the next morning and I had a tornado of sand being blown from the powerhead, so it scooted the sand into a big pile hehe. I left the top on because the lights manufacturer said the top should be left on? Meowzer- Yup I've got a test kit, and yeah I understand the cycling process, I took a picture while I was writing this reply, I got this sump from a buddy, I think it's a Megaflow sump, I would prefer to have made my own, so I could have the refugium and what not, but I wasn't to confident in putting in the baffles in my own sump. Thanks for the rock comments, lol I literally redid it like 6 times, took it all out and started over. I really like the way it is now and I'm really impressed I pulled that off, I can't draw a stick figure to save my life, I guess that's why it took 6 completely different attempts! Thats a Coralife 65 superskimmer, I started it to test it out, but I gotta figure out a way to get the pump farther out of the sump, it's not producing any bubbles, but it does when I pick it up almost out of the sump, so any advice on that would be great too!


Well-Known Member
Hi, the top should be removed, saltwater has less oxygen than freshwater tanks. It needs the surface water moving and the top open. Koralia power heads have a magnet and they stay in place.
The light manufacturer should have a piece of glass that is attached to the light, So that you have the glass between the light and the tank...the bare bulb alone should not be exposed over the tank.
The lifter pump does send out bubbles in the tube that leads to the should not be sending tiny little microbubbles, but big bubbles every once in a while is normal.


hehe I guess the pane they have on the fixture is what they meant by is should be covered. Yeah the bubbles are being pulled out, but they aren't microbubbles they aren't huge either, lol just your run of the mill bubbles. Thanks for the info on the top though, I'll definitely remove that!

mr. limpid

Active Member
good job on the rocks
only 6 tries, you bet me. What are you planning on keeping? I like the sand the way it is it looks natural, when you get critters they move your sand around anyway they like it.


Thanks for the comments on the rock!! I put a raw shrimp in on Saturday and I tested the water this afternoon, and my ammonia is >.5 so I took the shrimp out and I would say it's on its way. How often should I test now during the cycling process? The stocking list is kinda up in the air right now, I love flame angels or coral beauty angels, but then if I want corals down the road I might run into problems with the angels. I love tangs, although I know with a 75 tang options are limited, I have another tank right now with a diamond goby in it, so he's going to go in here I think, does an amazing job of cleaning the bed! I enjoy clowns, and I can only put up with "Where's Nemo??" for so long! I just want a really colorful tank, so any advice would be wonderful! Thanks again about the rocks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ledex http:///t/387807/new-75-gallon-fowlr#post_3415810
Thanks for the comments on the rock!! I put a raw shrimp in on Saturday and I tested the water this afternoon, and my ammonia is >.5 so I took the shrimp out and I would say it's on its way. How often should I test now during the cycling process? The stocking list is kinda up in the air right now, I love flame angels or coral beauty angels, but then if I want corals down the road I might run into problems with the angels. I love tangs, although I know with a 75 tang options are limited, I have another tank right now with a diamond goby in it, so he's going to go in here I think, does an amazing job of cleaning the bed! I enjoy clowns, and I can only put up with "Where's Nemo??" for so long! I just want a really colorful tank, so any advice would be wonderful! Thanks again about the rocks!
I would test again in 5 days and see what has spiked, what is done spiking, and what needs to spike, etc.. the cycle will go on it's own... doesn't need much to it.
For tangs, they would definitely need to be the main fish... but you could do a couple in a 75: Kole tang, Bristletooth Tomini Tang, maybe a mimic half black tang, Spotted Bristletooth tang, and a Two Spot Bristletooth tang.
Other fish you might want are: dwarf angels, anglers (might eat smaller fish), anthias, basslets, blennies, butterfly fish (mitratus butterfly fish are absolutely beautiful), cardinals, clownfish (also look at some of the snowflake and picasso clowns, clownfish that were born with color variations- most of the time percula), firefish, dottybacks, gobies, hawkfish, and there are MORE...
As you can see there are a lot of different fish for you to choose from.. your best bet would be to see what you like and get other people's opinions on the fish that you like... and then come up with a very rough list of fish that you would like, and then we will happily edit it and edit it to make sure that everything is appropriate and compatible within your tank...


Just a little update on the tank...I tested it today, and I've got a PH of 8.4, Nitrate .25, Nitrite .25, and ammonia of .25 also. I'm a little confused by the results, figured everything would be a lot higher? Anyway, the rock is completely covered in brown diatoms, and the sand has a solid covering as well!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ledex http:///t/387807/new-75-gallon-fowlr#post_3417194
Just a little update on the tank...I tested it today, and I've got a PH of 8.4, Nitrate .25, Nitrite .25, and ammonia of .25 also. I'm a little confused by the results, figured everything would be a lot higher? Anyway, the rock is completely covered in brown diatoms, and the sand has a solid covering as well!
No, I think it is cycling well. Nothing has to be done for now.


So does that mean it has spiked and is working it's way down? or does that mean it's working it's way up?


Active Member
First off welcome...... and secondly..... the aquascaping looks AWESOME!!
your first cycle may take some time yet.... however, like said or not said, make a list of things you want in your ocean on a table.
Did I mention....... love the rock work?


hehe I am perplexed on my rock work comments, I mean I liked it, but I didn't realize it was something special, anyhow thanks everyone! Ok so now the stocking list...
Possibility 1
Blue Eye Tang
Flame Angel
2 Black and White Clowns
Christmas Wrasse
Falco Hawkfish
Diamond Goby
Possibility 2
Blue Eye Tang
Coral Beauty Angel
2 Percula Clowns
Rainbow Wrasse
Diamond Goby
Tri-Color Anthias
Possibility 3
I have no clue...


Ok, so I thought maybe I was incompetent on testing and what not so I retested today, and I did it twice to make sure, and all levels are at 0 and PH is at 8.4? So does that mean this tank cycled in 10 days? Also the diatom covering basically dissapeared overnight and now green algae is appearing on the glass, and colonies are popping up on all of the rocks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ledex http:///t/387807/new-75-gallon-fowlr#post_3417836
Ok, so I thought maybe I was incompetent on testing and what not so I retested today, and I did it twice to make sure, and all levels are at 0 and PH is at 8.4? So does that mean this tank cycled in 10 days? Also the diatom covering basically dissapeared overnight and now green algae is appearing on the glass, and colonies are popping up on all of the rocks.
Fish tanks are never "done" cycling.. it's a cycle that never ends. But, have you seen the nitrates, nitrites, or ammonia go up already?


Well I put the shrimp in and I tested ammonia at .5 I believe so I took it out and then I left it until Friday and the ammonia was .25 along with nitrites and the nitrates were at 5 or 10 I believe, and PH was at 8.4 if I recall, and so I tested again today to see if it was climbing or coming down. It appears it came down.