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Active Member
sorry dude i thought u would call earlier like 3:30 or 4:00 not 5:00. when my dad got home we went out. what are u doing tommao? i should be here earlier. i dont think well leave here til 2 or 3. u can stop by tommaro.


Active Member
Ok well I ended up doing something last night so I'm not sure when I'll be home today, Ill stop by if I can though.


Active Member
really what kind? mines a maroon. i really like it. its like a dark maroon red and bright white stripes. hes like 3"


Active Member
dude. i just fraged my hammer in half and i cut my self some how. i give u some hamer for some frogspawn


Active Member
its a branching right? if so just break off a branch. if now than i think u have to have another mouth to cut. cause if theres only one mouthe and u cut it i think itll die. ill start a thread on how to frag


Active Member
Ok thanks, im not home right now so I cant check...And dont quote me on this one cuz I'm not sure, lol, but I think it migth have three mouths, its weird though because its not that big..hmmm..
I thought you had a marron? Isn't that the only fish you have?


Active Member
from what i see its a branching.....and ya i only have a maroon but i gave the sebea to my mom, because the 5.5g nanoreef i gave her has a much money into that thing and my mom killed almost every thing.