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Active Member
it was in there until she killed it......i gave her the tank fo her b-day. it had candy canes, bubble anenome, frogspawn, xenia, and recordias and zoos. i gave it to her for the bar she owns but she never replaced the filter cartriges, the heater broke and she didnt get one for a while so alot of the corals died, and the light went out and she only got one 20w bulb instead of 2, and the lights are on for like 12 pissed. i ook alot of the corals home before they died to try to save them but they were to far gone.


Active Member
Yeah that sucks man sorry to hear that, it still soudns like it used to be a pretty sweet tank, did she take the whole thing down? Do you have any old pics of it?


Active Member
ya it sux. it still has the xenia, shrooms bubble and 1 head of candy cane. i dont have any old pics though. i had the tank before i had a digital camera.


Active Member
Oh well that sounds good, lol Zach's mom is oikcing me up in a little bit and im going with them to help him find stuff for his tank..I guess he's gonna start it back up. Lol, I think he's getting a skimmer today, Im gonna help him get the whole thing going again, you said the seaclones you liked right??


Active Member
ya if u have a tank smaller than a 20g (i need to upgrade) those are good but if its bigger than that stores usually have coralife super skimmers in stock.


Active Member
Hey Dan, do you still have that 40 drilled? And the metal mahilde? Im thinking of starting up a larger tank, just shopping around for stuff..


Active Member
ya i still got um. thats sick, i cant wait till i re-do mine. soon though. just got back from mexico so ill start doing everything soon. ya $80 for the mh, and like $20-40 for the tank. ill have to ask my bro about the tank