Originally posted by Liontamer
Sweet tank man. As for the lions, if the fry are the same size as a fuzzy dwarf lion fry, then it's almost impossible to raise them in captivity. Me and conogre a while back had a discussion about this, and apprently they need live food to feed on, and since they are growing every day, you need a very side variety foods, ranging from microscopic planktons to live brine and so forth. The beginning size of a baby lion should be about the size of a . which is quite small, so unless you can get actualy water from the ocean and change it out every day, it is very hard to offer them a reliable food source. No doubt the lions will mate, and produce eggs, but the babies just wont survive. Are u putting the eel in that tank?
So if u got a small tank and changed the water out everyday u could keep them alive? That seems doable.