I've had a pair of clownfish for about 8 months and never any sign of ich or any disease or infection of any sort. I have 2 clownfish and a psuedochromis in my tank. The psuedochromis loves to swim through the LR. But, when a clownfish gets to close to where hes at - they go opposite ways. But now i've noticed one of my clownfish has white marks on his skin. Would these white marks be the dead skin or could it be a disease or bacterial infection?!? The white marks on the clownfish are the shape of a fish mouth, almost perfectly oval.
Other note,
I bought a rock from a LFS with lots of Zoo's on it. When I got home I thought it was all zoo's. But, I noticed one had "tentacles". Anyways, its an anemone!! Never seen this kind before. Its fast to react to things. If I touch it when my squeege it instanly disapears. It has white strips on it and a white opening (mouth hole). Know anything about this species or its relatives?

Other note,
I bought a rock from a LFS with lots of Zoo's on it. When I got home I thought it was all zoo's. But, I noticed one had "tentacles". Anyways, its an anemone!! Never seen this kind before. Its fast to react to things. If I touch it when my squeege it instanly disapears. It has white strips on it and a white opening (mouth hole). Know anything about this species or its relatives?