got a total of 18lbs of purple live rock now. going to wait for the water to clear up so i can arrange them.
also took out half of the sand already. We like it like this alot better.
this is with 18lbs of rock. i think it still needs more.
i want to upgrade the three chamber tall baskets on both ends.
what kind of chemical filtration should i add to the six total chambers?
also getting another fuge basket with a nano refugium light since the back of the tank is clear im going to light it from the rear.
want to install a tunze nano skimmer and their osmolator ato.
what should i install next out of all these ideas?
I like tunze a lot but that's personal preference. Fuge is a great idea and for chambers, how about seachem denitrate, seachem purigen, seachem phosban? I'm a huge fan of these products and that's what I use in my tank at the moment.
Still want to add more live rock to the tank.
Going to make a list and make sure everything would be compatible before I make any more purchases.
Think I'm liking the "Neptune Systems" Aquacontroller over the Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper.
Although the N.S. doesn't have an ATO like D.A. has.
Honestly ATO, you can get an separate system. I have JBJ ato and I'm very content. I was in your situation about 4-5 months ago and I debated hard for which one and I went with Apex system and I'm VERY happy with the decision that I made.
there is currently one return pump that is split in to two returns. because i want to add a nano skimmer in the back chamber i would have to have two pumps instead of just one.
what would be a good amount of flow for this tank. currently the stock pump does around 210 gph.
i would like some good flow so i wont have to add a powerhead.
martin, I would recommend a small koralia. I can't stress enough how good flow is important for both fish, corals also it will also blow all the debris away for your filter to pick up not creating diatoms and etc. I think 1 powerhead on the opposite side to your return head should do it.
Couldnt i just get two stronger return pumps? to have about 25 to 30 turnover rate?
i added two "spin streams" to both my returns. that spin at 40degree angles.
i want to limit any equipment that must be inside the dt.
Originally Posted by martinc909http:///t/392124/new-apartment-aquarium/60#post_3484512
couldnt i just get a second pump thats similar to my stock pump? with 210gph times two is 420total gph. gives me about 26 turnover...
You could.. Sure.. Are you going to drill thru the back acrylic to get the small PVC return to the DT?? I guess I am confused on how adding a second return pump would work on a Nuvo. Is there room back in the chambers for a second one? Can you plumb it to the DT? If so, then it would work. Maybe you could take a pic to help show what you mean.
Either way, I know what you mean by not wanting to clog up the DT with big power heads.
Honestly I don't know. But considering some are CBS and some are just wood or like mine it's made of concrete and metal blocks, it's a big difference. I just don't want to say yes and you breaking your floor if they didn't fortify enough.
Why would the water look snowy.?
Water doesnt look crystal clear.
These are my parameters as of yesterday.
Salinity. 1.027
SG. 36
Temp 78
Ph 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.5
Nitrate 0
Calcium 440
Phosphate 0.13 or lower maybe?not sure
Kh 179