Originally Posted by
Maybe moving to Oklahoma from being a New York girl did not really affect you at all. Maybe you just went on about your business as normal because New York girls are fearless, forward and afraid of nothing!!!!!!
Coral on the other hand has gone from being plucked out of the ocean, bagged and shipped and shipped and shipped then acclimated to a tank the bagged and shipped ad nauseum.
They take time to settle down, chill out, relax, get their bearings.....................then..........WHAM........out come the sweepers and all nearby coral beware!!!!!!!!
LOL...Believe me...a NY girl has to go through a lot of changing to live here...
....I had to give up BAGELS
with LOX
Do you know my husband and step sons DIDN'T know what a bagel was)
OK...so it is normal for the sweepers to not be out yet
THANK YOU for easing my mind.....once again