new experiment(pls comment)


Originally Posted by murray BMF
Because he's Bang Guy :hilarious I was more referring to the "experiment" part, about trying to keep something just to see if it survives. I have a lot of pets, including dogs, cats turtles and iguanas. I always try to make their environment as close to their natural environment as possible. If anything I try to provide a better, not worse condition for them to live. That's the key IMO. When keeping a pet, whatever it may be, you want it to live and thrive, not just merely survive. Didn't mean to offend earlier, Sorry

Thats okay. Above you said you keep turtles. I have a russian tortoise :joy:


Active Member
There's already a few corals in those pics that already look questionable. I would be interested in seeing updated pics in a couple weeks.


just a to let you kno, that the person who is posting this stuff is not the real lazypinoy! its his little stupid brother! thanks

bang guy

I'd advise against the Acropora. The Montipora will do fine if they're up top but you'll have to frag often once they start growing well.
The biggest difficulty is maintaning major trace elements in a small reef tank.
I think most of the comments at the start of the thread were in response to an 8.6 watt fixture.


some of the corals i bought were like that. the lfs gave them to me half price. these corals were just added yesterday


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I'd advise against the Acropora. The Montipora will do fine if they're up top but you'll have to frag often once they start growing well.
The biggest difficulty is maintaning major trace elements in a small reef tank.
I think most of the comments at the start of the thread were in response to an 8.6 watt fixture.

Bang guy, will you get me a list of things i need to make my tank like yours. Any advise?

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
SPS require intense lighting.
Surely, at one time, aquariasts experimented with different lighting and corals to determine the lighting requirements for the different species. But this has been done in the past. The experimentation has already been done and we know the outcome.
To me this is similar to when people want to keep an anemone under Power Compacts. They just don't survive.
Also, I would say the there is no room in the 15 gallon for a sixline.
I beg to differ. Intense means lumens per square ___ (whatever) with that many watts, or lumens, over that small of a tank, and with a depth of no more than a foot, they should do fine. I have a BTA, going on 3 months, Under PC's, in my 55 gallon, and it is as green as ever, hasn't lost any color. However, I do agree, that the anemone will grow slower, as a result of the less light, but it will remain healthy, and it will grow. However, I would suggest heavy fragging practices, as they could kill each other by shading.

reef diver

Active Member
Didn't he say it was not an 8.6 watt fixture, but it was 8.6 watts per gallon, which roughly is a 120 watt fixture?


Active Member
Reef diver,
the many protests at the beggining of this thread were based upon the fact that he originally said 8.5watts total, not per gallon he changed it because it was a typo.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
I beg to differ. Intense means lumens per square ___ (whatever) with that many watts, or lumens, over that small of a tank, and with a depth of no more than a foot, they should do fine. I have a BTA, going on 3 months, Under PC's, in my 55 gallon, and it is as green as ever, hasn't lost any color. However, I do agree, that the anemone will grow slower, as a result of the less light, but it will remain healthy, and it will grow. However, I would suggest heavy fragging practices, as they could kill each other by shading.
I'm glad someone agrees with me. thanks reef diver

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Reef diver,
the many protests at the beggining of this thread were based upon the fact that he originally said 8.5watts total, not per gallon he changed it because it was a typo.
Sorry I did not realize that.

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
I'm glad someone agrees with me. thanks reef diver

You are welcome. I keep my tank in my room, and I don't let the maid in there. Sorry that happened, was that the big 120?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Reef Diver
I beg to differ. Intense means lumens per square ___ (whatever) with that many watts, or lumens, over that small of a tank, and with a depth of no more than a foot, they should do fine.
Change the word "lumens" to "light" or "MicroEinsteins" and I agree.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
You are welcome. I keep my tank in my room, and I don't let the maid in there. Sorry that happened, was that the big 120?
no its my 10 gal nano

murray bmf

Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
Thats okay. Above you said you keep turtles. I have a russian tortoise :joy:

First of all you might be LazyPinoy's little brother, doesn't mean you stupid. Don't sell yourself short my friend! Russian Tortoise, now thats cool! How big is he. I've seen that variety at pet stores, but they always seem to be real expensive. I currently have two turtles. One is a Red ear slider, which is technically my daughters, the other is a Aligator snapping turtle, which I guess is technically my sons. Technically it's "their" turtles, I just feed them, clean after them, take care of them, etc....
. The red ear slider is pretty boring, but the snapper is really cool. I've been raising snapping turtles since I was 10. I've had this one about 6 years now. Here's a pic of the snapper and one of my wife's Iguana, Elvis.
