new experiment(pls comment)


After my first tank crash, I thought the saltwaterfish hobby was over. But after lookin at Bang guys 10g(the most beautiful nano I've ever seen IMO), I wanted to conduct an experiment with SPS corals. I wanted to see if they can suvive under intense PC lighting. List of things I have
Tank- 15 gallon
three powerheads
Protein skimmer- Bak PAk skimmer( having problems, big bubbles always coming out not micro bubbles)
Lighting-JbJ formosa (8.6watts PER GALLON) fixture is 130 watt. (corrected typo)
Live rock-34#
one small montipora digitata
one big montipora digitata
red monti cap
yellow cup coral
apple green monti cap
brown/blue polyp monti cap
two arcopora unknown
two motipora unknown
one unknown fish( lfs says its a neon sailfin goby got it for 7.99)
one zebra goby
one perc clown
Can I still add a sixline in there?
water quality:
nitrates .5
nitrite 0
amon 0
cal 420
phos 0
My ? is that will these corals survive under intense care?
If anyone has any ?s or answers pls, fill free to comment.


Active Member
SPS require intense lighting.
Surely, at one time, aquariasts experimented with different lighting and corals to determine the lighting requirements for the different species. But this has been done in the past. The experimentation has already been done and we know the outcome.
To me this is similar to when people want to keep an anemone under Power Compacts. They just don't survive.
Also, I would say the there is no room in the 15 gallon for a sixline.


Active Member
IMO none of those corals are going to survive under that little lighting, and it would be a shame to kill them to find out what is considered common knowledge. SPS need intense lighting. your par rating is not going to be high enough to keep them alive long term, if you left that little 8.5 watt light on 24/7 maybe the monti cap would survive the longest.
some SPS can be kept under PC lighting but you need enough light, I keep purple monti cap under PC but I have almost 500 watts and the monti cap is right at the top of the tank, as it is it grows really slowly.


Active Member
a 150w MH pendant is needed in order to keep the corals alive, why spend the money just to watch them slowly wither away. I would not add any more fish and would consider actually removing one from your list.

murray bmf

Originally Posted by shogun323
SPS require intense lighting.
Surely, at one time, aquariasts experimented with different lighting and corals to determine the lighting requirements for the different species. But this has been done in the past. The experimentation has already been done and we know the outcome .
Agreed. I don't think it's cool when we know whats going to happen. But thats just me.


Active Member
beyond that, those corals get huge. So even if they could grow under PCs, they would outgrow that tank, and fragging just would make your tank look like a frag tank. SPS needs to be able to grow into large structures in order to look like a reef.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
IMO none of those corals are going to survive under that little lighting, and it would be a shame to kill them to find out what is considered common knowledge. SPS need intense lighting. your par rating is not going to be high enough to keep them alive long term, if you left that little 8.5 watt light on 24/7 maybe the monti cap would survive the longest.
some SPS can be kept under PC lighting but you need enough light, I keep purple monti cap under PC but I have almost 500 watts and the monti cap is right at the top of the tank, as it is it grows really slowly.
MY mistake. its 8.6 watts per gal.


Originally Posted by shogun323
SPS require intense lighting.
Surely, at one time, aquariasts experimented with different lighting and corals to determine the lighting requirements for the different species. But this has been done in the past. The experimentation has already been done and we know the outcome.
To me this is similar to when people want to keep an anemone under Power Compacts. They just don't survive.
Also, I would say the there is no room in the 15 gallon for a sixline.
This have been done before. I read Bang guys thread about how to keep sps under only 60 watts per gal( his lights are vho).


Active Member
with 130 watts of pc the montipora may live, the other ones I dont really know if that would be enough light for them. I dont have enough personal expirience with them to say.


Originally Posted by murray BMF
Agreed. I don't think it's cool when we know whats going to happen. But thats just me.
But how come Bang guy can do it under 60 watts in a ten gallon


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
with 130 watts of pc the montipora may live, the other ones I dont really know if that would be enough light for them. I dont have enough personal expirience with them to say.
Thanks for the comment though. I need all the info i need with people who tried this already.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Not that I know how Guy cares for the tank, but there's more to keeping SPS than just lighting.

Yes I have read about three books of how to keep these corals. I always have a chat with Tom( lfs manager) and he says this can be done if you take care of it. And I promise I'll do my best at keeping this sps alive. Thanks Viper. I know what you mean.


Active Member
I've checked through the thread and the only SPS I see is Montipora Digitata, which can thrive under PC's at the top of a tank. This certainly doesn't mean that all SPS can thrive let alone survive under PC lighting. Good Luck and Godspeed!!


I almost forgot. I have keep a max clam under intense pc lighting(12 watts per gal) and feed it zoo planton everyother day. The reason my first tank crashed, was because my maid accidentally sprayed something in my tank :scared: . I was so mad becuz everything died except my purple firefish and a few hermits. Over 700$ gone I one day. I was going to sue but my mother said she was from a poor family and had little money. And thats the story of my first tank crash
I just wanted to start a new tank with something new.
Thanks for the comments everyone. You all are helpful.


Originally Posted by shogun323
I've checked through the thread and the only SPS I see is Montipora Digitata, which can thrive under PC's at the top of a tank. This certainly doesn't mean that all SPS can thrive let alone survive under PC lighting. Good Luck and Godspeed!!

Yea I know. I have mostly monti caps and digitata. pictures will come soon.

murray bmf

Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
But how come Bang guy can do it under 60 watts in a ten gallon
Because he's Bang Guy :hilarious I was more referring to the "experiment" part, about trying to keep something just to see if it survives. I have a lot of pets, including dogs, cats turtles and iguanas. I always try to make their environment as close to their natural environment as possible. If anything I try to provide a better, not worse condition for them to live. That's the key IMO. When keeping a pet, whatever it may be, you want it to live and thrive, not just merely survive. Didn't mean to offend earlier, Sorry