New Fish Ordered!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///t/390688/new-fish-ordered#post_3462423
The Fed Ex guy just leaves my shipments on my porch, rings the bell and goes away.
So does mine usually, but I thought with live fish labeled on the outside of the box he might wait. Oh well. I think I will just have them hold at the local Fed Ex facility next time.
So far the Angel is not eating very well. But he is looking okay. I might need to pick up some different algae sheets.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/390688/new-fish-ordered/20#post_3462597
Try soaking the food in fresh garlic juice
I will try that. I have a big jar of minced garlic. Should I just take some of the juice from that jar and soak with the food while I thaw it (I use a shot glass to thaw the frozen cube LOL)? Do you think I should keep trying the mysis, or try emerald entree?


NO....Do not use that...I believe it has preservatives
you need a garlic clove....and press the juice out of it...after you thaw and rinse your frozen food....add the juice, and let it soak for a few minutes before feeding

mr. limpid

Active Member
Try every food you can find. Claims on half shell, Ocean Nutrition makes a Angle formula food with sponge in it, squid, etc. He looks small you may need to chop up food for him.


give it some time.
All of my angels in the past took several days to fully acclimate to their new environment.


Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/390688/new-fish-ordered/20#post_3462571
So does mine usually, but I thought with live fish labeled on the outside of the box he might wait. Oh well. I think I will just have them hold at the local Fed Ex facility next time.
So far the Angel is not eating very well. But he is looking okay. I might need to pick up some different algae sheets.
Hey sweatervest .
Do you know where the FedEx terminal is at in Livonia .... I am kinda in the middle of Livonia and Toledo hub .. Not sure I know I can have my dad pick up for me he lives down there...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lngliv3 http:///t/390688/new-fish-ordered/20#post_3464052
Hey sweatervest .
Do you know where the FedEx terminal is at in Livonia .... I am kinda in the middle of Livonia and Toledo hub .. Not sure I know I can have my dad pick up for me he lives down there...
Hey Sorry for the late reply.
I am not sure where the one in Livonia is at. Sorry. I went to the one in Clinton Twp. That one was about 15 minutes from my house. I live in a northern suburb of Detroit. We stay away from them west siders in Livonia. Just kidding. Good Luck. I think with the warmer weather we have been getting you should be okay to ship to your house. Hope it lasts.


Active Member
The Angel is doing okay. His eye is still cloudy and puffy. I have been treating with antibiotics for a week now. But it does not look like it is helping too much. I am treating all three fish in QT with hypo. The SG is down to 1.009 as of yesterday. All the fish seem to be doing fine. I hope the angel keeps the eye. It would be a shame for such a beautiful fish to only have one eye. Can't wait to get these guys in the big tank.
Thanks for checking in Sip!!