New Fish wont eat


I just got a 6 inch blue throat trigger on wed, now it is sunday and it still wont come out in swim hides behind the rocks, it moves around pokes its head out once and a while, it looks really healthy and not skin and bones, how long can she last without eating, i always got a maginicfent foxface that day and he eats fine, both from thanks- mike


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mjm889
I just got a 6 inch blue throat trigger on wed, now it is sunday and it still wont come out in swim hides behind the rocks, it moves around pokes its head out once and a while, it looks really healthy and not skin and bones, how long can she last without eating, i always got a maginicfent foxface that day and he eats fine, both from thanks- mike

I have had fish take up to 3 weeks to start coming out and eating. Remember your new critter is stressed. There is food in and on the rock they can eat that you don't see. So the new guy may eat in hiding. Time is all it takes.


Originally Posted by Flower

I have had fish take up to 3 weeks to start coming out and eating. Remember your new critter is stressed. There is food in and on the rock they can eat that you don't see. So the new guy may eat in hiding. Time is all it takes.


You could always toss in a couple of damsels, my bluejaw would eat them in a matter of seconds. He would work them into the top corner of the tank and pick them off one at at time. I assume yours would act in the same manner.

small triggers

Active Member
It will not hurt the fish to wait to eat, and adding live food is a catch 22,, because he may not take anything else after that.....just wait him out, blue jaws are timid and take time to get comfortable..


thanks for the quick responses, she starting to swim around a little more hopefully she will start eating soon.


thanks for asking, she is not as timid as before swimming around alot more, when i feed the fish she swims around but will not go after anything, i tried flake, pellets, seaweed, and frozen krill, she seemed more interested in the krill actually eating one small speck of food but that was it. any suggestions of food like mysis shrimp of freezed dried krill, any ideas will be great, thanks for the fast responses - mike


There is an "ask" section towards the bottom of the main index, they're pretty good about answering specific questions regarding their livestock.


anyone have any ideas on food to get her to start eating, i kinda want to shy away from live food if possible


Active Member
Originally Posted by mjm889
Click "contact" at the left, there is a phone # at the top of the page; although many fish go through online dealers so fast, they never eat there.
My favorite, "last resort" food is always a opened fresh clam from the grocery store.....they are great treats for most fish anytime. I first used this with a Moorish Idol, I was about ready to give up on; he scarfed the clam, ate everything from then on , and lived about 10 years. I've had 2 pair of BT triggers and both took forever to eat. I think you'll be OK and its not time to panic yet. Fish can go much longer without eating than most folks think, and he may be nibbling a little from the LR when he doesn't see you.


Thanks for the quick responses, i ran out and bought some jumbo freezed dried shrimp, she ate them in a heart beat. thanks to all- mike


What are freeze dried shrimp? Is that from the pet store? It might be healthier to get the raw fresh or frozen shell on shrimp you buy from the grocery store, uncooked.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mjm889
sorrry i meant to say krill
Glad to see him eating; he should eat just about anything soon. Don't want to ruin the moment, but I'd limit the feeding of the FD krill. Its been linked to several serious problems; you should find lots of info by searching this site and elsewhere. I believe that all the problems come from heavy, long term use and occasional feeding is fine.


thanks, i feed my other fish, frozen mysis shrimp brine shrimp flake, pellets algae sheets so hopefully she start eating some of these foods