New Fish would it work


I have a 90 gal reef
Fish List:
Sailfin Tang
2 Percula Clowns
Purple Firefish
2 bicolor damsels
cleaner shrimp
blood shrim
I use to have a naso tang but it died after about 4 years. I am giong to take out the damsels and sell them to my lfs. I want to add a sohal tang and a green mandarin or a green clown gobby.
Would this work

bang guy

The Sohol is a bad choice IMO because of the tank size. That's probably what (indirectly) killed off your Naso. The Sailfin will probably meet the same fate eventually.
If you have a lot of live rock then a single Mandarin would work fine.
Green Clown Gobies would be perfect. Neon Gobies are also a good choice.


Active Member
One of my friends has a 150 in his apartment and it consists of a (huge) Volitan Lion .. a pretty big Emperor Angel, the biggest tomato clown i've ever seen (besides the one at the GA Aquarium) .. some kind of butterfly (i forget its name) .. a Sohal and a sailfin .. the sailfin gets picked on constantly by the sohal .. I'll be surprised if he lives much longer in his tank .. don't get the sohal it'll be too large for your tank anyway